Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Plyo And Some Hills

Today is the best I felt in a few weeks. I think everything is finally coming back together after my week off. The one thing I am struggling with is my strength in the pool. I know this is because I am lifting heavy and doing a lot of push-ups/pull-ups. A couple more months like this and things will switch up a bit.

AM Workout

Plyometrics taken from the P90X fitness routine.

I felt real strong this morning. I was a jumping fool. My legs felt good and fresh. The time seemed to really fly. I truly believe this routine played a big part in a successful 2008 for me.

PM Workout

My first hill intervals workout. I set the treadmill level to 9 and the pace to 8-minute miles. Overall I felt good, but it was tough. Climbs every other minute with multiple climbs of a 7.1 max incline.

I went a total of 3.75 miles.


Calories – 2200

Carbs – 194g (41%)
Protein 206g (43%)
Fat – 76g (16%)

In good health,

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