Monday, April 6, 2009

I've Been Better

I am making up for the past couple of days. Yesterday was a rest day, so I have nothing much to report there. The day before was my big run day, so I will talk about that. I am feeling a little under the weather. I am not sure if it is a cold or allergies.

The Run

Distance – 8 miles
Time – 1:03:03
Pace – 7:53
Total Ascent – 1554 ft.
Total Descent – 1611 ft.

This was my first run of the year out at my hilly trail. It was tough. I am definitely not where I was at the end of last year, but I will get there. The weather was a little on the cold side which was fine. I enjoy the cooler weather. I was very happy with my time and pace.

Next week will be another 8-miler out there. We will see how it goes.


The past couple of days I haven’t kept tabs on my diet because I haven’t been eating much due to how I have been feeling. I will start up again tomorrow.

In good health,

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