Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Bummed Plyo

After a solid day of nothing, it was time to get my mind back on track. I had some personal issue, but I knew I couldn’t let myself get into a funk. I did not get up in the morning to do my normal routine. When I got home from work, I had to force myself to get my workout in. Hopefully this does not continue.


Today was Plyo Legs from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. Like last week, I did not do my usual added pull-ups. I just stuck with the leg routine.

I would give myself a slightly above average rating on this workout. Some exercises I pushed more than others, but I just wasn’t there mentally. I still worked up a good sweat. It might have been a blessing in disguise. I feel that my legs are in need of a little extra rest.


I am going to start taking in more carbs. With all the extra mileage coming into play, I do not want to start losing a lot of weight.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 265g (55%)
Protein – 142g (30%)
Fat – 75g (15%)

In good health,

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