Thursday, April 9, 2009

No Change

My cold has stayed the same. I hope it starts to get better. I have a big weekend of workouts planned. I am going to need to be in top shape. I also need to have the weather cooperate with me. I am planning on taking the bike out a couple of times over the weekend.

AM Workout

This morning was 60 minutes of Plyometrics from P90X. I was not sure how this one was going to go. My nose was running and all breathing had to be done through my mouth. I also didn’t push myself. If I had to rate my workout, I would give it a B. It wasn’t my best, but it was definitely better than average.

PM Workout

In the evening was just a basic 5k. No hills and no speed this week. It was just a nice steady pace. I finished at 8-minute miles on the button.

My legs were pretty tired. Maybe I pushed myself a little harder than I thought during plyo.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 239 (45%)
Protein – 218 (41%)
Fat – 72 (14%)

In good health,

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