Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still Not Good

I am still not feeling great, but not bad enough to halt working out. My congestion is all above the neck. I am usually good working out when my chest is clear. Once it goes below the neck, that’s when the problems start. True, not being able to breath out of my nose sucks, but it is a lot better than getting winded.

AM Workout

45 minutes of bike intervals. I didn’t feel too great this morning. I wanted to stop after a ½ hour. I pushed through and finished up. Overall, I feel like my body is getting use to this workout. I may need to switch it up in a couple of weeks.

Once again my max intervals were 31, 33 and 35 miles per hour.

PM Workout

One mile of laps. No breaks. Surprisingly, this is the best swim I have had in some time. I think it was partly due to me not having any strength training prior to hitting the pool. My breathing felt great, as did my form. Everything felt really clean.

After I got out of the pool was a different story. I don’t think being in the water was beneficial for the pressure on my ear.


Calories – 2000

Carbs – 196g (45%)
Protein – 184g (42%)
Fat – 55g (13%)

In good health,

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