Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stretch Day

Today is my stretch day. I use the X Stretch routine from the P90X series. It is about an hour in length and is always welcomed at the end of a long week.

Here is my schedule for the next 7 days:

Monday - X Stretch

Tuesday - 1-on-1 Plyo Legs (AM) and 3 mile run, hills (PM)

Wednesday - 1-on-1 Yoga

Thursday - Kettlebell Routine/Ab Ripper X

Friday - Bike, Sweating Buckets (AM) and Swim 40 minutes, drills (PM)

Saturday - 9 mile run, hills

Sunday - Kettlebell Routine/Ab Ripper X (AM) and Bike 40 miles (PM)


Back on track. My fats are a little high, but they are of the healthy variety.

Calories – 2400

Carbs – 202g (41%)
Protein – 173g (36%)
Fat – 114g (23%)

In good health,

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