Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Run Abs Jump

I had a weird day of working out. I didn’t get my PM workout in until 9:30. Very strange. Sometimes the day gets away from you. I was able to get my youngest daughter out for a run which was great. She fell asleep in the stroller about 10 minutes into it. On a sour note, I am starting to get a shin splint.

AM Workout

3 mile run followed by Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ routine.

Great run and an awesome ab routine. Pushing the stroller was a challenge. I always have trouble deciding what to do with my hands. Finished up at a 7:21 minute mile pace.

It’s been a while since I have done Abs/Core Plus. I forgot how great it is. Core strength is big in triathlon and this is definitely the routine that can help.

PM Workout

Plyometrics from P90X.

I went pretty light with this one. It was late and I did not want to risk an injury. Overall it was still great. I sweated my butt off. I really love Plyo, but I think I need to put it on hold until after triathlon season. I think it is too much stress on the legs, which is probably contributing to my shin splint.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 255g (53%)
Protein – 160g (33%)
Fat – 68g (14%)

In good health,

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