Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Flat

I enjoyed a nice afternoon ride today, but it didn’t come without drama. About 15 miles into my ride, I had a flat tire. It was caused by the smallest piece of glass ever. I hate changing tires. I had two faulty tubes, but I had to make due. I finished the ride, but it had me out longer than I wanted to be.


A good 45-mile ride was in the books. I didn’t want to push too much today. The plan was to stay between 18 and 20 miles per hour. I finished at 19.3 mph.

This workout wasn’t so much about triathlon training as it was for my century in mid-September

I felt great after the ride. Not too sore and not too pooped.


Calories – 2900

Carbs – 327g (57%)
Protein – 175g (31%)
Fat – 71g (12%)

In good health,

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