Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where Is My Mind

I am still trying to get my mind right. Today was tough. The workouts help, but I am still not my normal self. I really have had to force myself to workout. We will see how things play out over the next week.

Today was another triathlon specific workout.

AM Workout

This morning’s workout was a nice and easy 5k. I kept it at an 8 minute mile pace. My legs felt a little heavy, but not as bad as I was suspecting. I thing the added carbs are helping in my muscle recovery.

PM Workout

For the bike, I went with a Spinervals workout. Good old Sweating Buckets was my choice. It is about an hour of high quality spinning. I worked my butt off on this one. I cranked up the tension on the trainer and had at it. My cadence on several of the intervals was over 140.

I might have to do this one again next week!


I am really pushing the carbs. I will keep an eye on my weight to make sure I am not doing too much damage.

Calories – 2900

Carbs – 369g (60%)
Protein – 177g (29%)
Fat – 67g (11%)

In good health,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Bummed Plyo

After a solid day of nothing, it was time to get my mind back on track. I had some personal issue, but I knew I couldn’t let myself get into a funk. I did not get up in the morning to do my normal routine. When I got home from work, I had to force myself to get my workout in. Hopefully this does not continue.


Today was Plyo Legs from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. Like last week, I did not do my usual added pull-ups. I just stuck with the leg routine.

I would give myself a slightly above average rating on this workout. Some exercises I pushed more than others, but I just wasn’t there mentally. I still worked up a good sweat. It might have been a blessing in disguise. I feel that my legs are in need of a little extra rest.


I am going to start taking in more carbs. With all the extra mileage coming into play, I do not want to start losing a lot of weight.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 265g (55%)
Protein – 142g (30%)
Fat – 75g (15%)

In good health,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Finally, I have a rest day. Typically, I do the X Stretch from the P90X series. I had to go to a coaches meeting for my daughters t-ball league. That coupled with working late did not allow me to get my stretch in.

I am exactly 2 months from my first triathlon. I am getting a little excited.

Here is my next week of workouts:

Tuesday – Plyo Legs

Wednesday – 3 mile run and bike 60 minutes

Thursday – Kettlebell workout/Ab Ripper X

Friday – Fountain of Youth Yoga

Saturday – 10 mile run, hills

Sunday – 45 mile bike and Kettlebell workout/Ab Ripper X

Monday – X Stretch

In good health,

Monday, April 27, 2009

Legs = Gone

I am sore and I feel like I can sleep all day. I have a couple of tough workouts today. My legs are pretty sore. Tomorrow is a rest/stretch day, so I will need to push through. Thing 1 has been getting up way too early as of late. We need to stop this insanity.

AM Workout

20 miles on the bike. I basically wanted to get in some sprints, standing climbs, etc. My pace was good (21mph), as was my cadence (90+). The weather was terrible. It was very windy and I got caught in the rain a couple of times. After that, I really had to be careful on my turns. The streets were very slippery. My neck area was really sore from spending the majority of my time in the aero position on Friday.

My bike is coming a long good. Normally when I train for triathlon, I only bike one day a week due to my schedule. This year I promised myself I would do my best to get in the saddle at least twice a week.

PM Workout

This was another Kettlebell/Ab Ripper X day. I was beat by the time this workout came around. I really just wanted to take a nap.

The squats and lunges were really tough today. My quads were telling me to stop, but I wanted to get these sets in. I know in a few weeks that my training is going to change and my strength training workouts will not be this intense. Knowing this change is on the horizon helps to get thru these workouts.


Calories – 1700

Carbs – 170g (50%)
Protein – 105g (31%)
Fat – 63g (19%)

In good health,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Tough One

I am really giving my legs a beating this weekend. I didn’t really get a good night sleep. Thing 2 gave us a 5:45 am wake up call. This meant I wasn’t in the mood to go out and run. After a little procrastination, I packed up the truck and head out to the trail. The weather was looking like it was going to pour at any minute. It didn’t matter. I was already committed.


9 miles of hills.

I have yet to download the data to my computer, but I know I finished at a 7:53 pace. Total time for the run was 1:10. I am guessing I climbed about 1700 ft and descended about the same.

The run started out great. At the halfway point, my pace was 7:34. At about 5 miles, I really started feeling it. By mile 7 mile legs felt like lead. I knew the 40 mile bike ride the day before was going to play a factor in my run.

To be honest, I would have been happy with an 8:15/8:30 pace.

Even though it wasn’t one of my best runs, I felt I still came out ahead.


Some of these calories were beer and Jack Daniels. I celebrated a tough couple of days hanging out with a friend and checking out some live music.

Calories – 2600

Carbs – 227g (%)
Protein – 139g (%)
Fat – 47g (%)

In good health,

Saturday, April 25, 2009


A great workout day. All triathlon specific training. I need to post quickly because I am heading out to a concert tonight. The wife gave me a get out of jail free card.

AM Workout

The morning was a dip in the pool. 45 minutes of drills. I felt great. Some of the drills I hit were hand paddles/pull buoy kick drills, 1-arm, fist speed. Everything went smooth.

PM Workout

40 miles on the bike.

I was hauling in the beginning. My speeds were hitting 24-25 miles per hour consistently. Coming back the wind shifted and the temp dropped, typical Chicago. I peddled right into the wind for 15 miles. I still averaged over 20 mph, which was great.


Calories – 3000

Carbs – 375g (%)
Carbs – 163g (%)
Carbs – 92g (%)

In good health,

Friday, April 24, 2009


This week I had to switch things around a little bit due to my wife’s work schedule. Things are going to get interesting once I start coaching my daughter’s t-ball team next week. I can’t wait for tomorrow. A true triathlon specific workout and the temperature is suppose to reach 80.


Today was another kettlebell routine followed by Ab Ripper X from the P90X routine. Total workout time of about an hour and a half. This was a tough workout. I never realized how moves that look so easy could be such a pain in the ass. Two hand swings, kettlebell press and the worst, full Turkish get-ups. My heart rate was pretty high during some of the moves.

After the kettlebell routine, I jumped right into Ab Ripper X.

I WILL master the kettlebell!!!


Calories – 2300
Carbs – 217g (48%)
Protein – 166g (37%)
Fat – 71g (15%)

In good health,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yoga Time

Today was perfect for some yoga. I really needed it. Things were tight, especially my legs. I took the kids to play some baseball and soccer after work. The weather is starting to shift. We are looking at 80’s over the weekend. It could make for a warm run on Saturday.


Tonys 1-on-1 Fountain of Youth yoga. 45 minutes in length. During some of the poses my calves were killing me. They are very tight. I need to watch it or shin splints are not going to be too far behind.

In the world of triathlon or any endurance sport, shin splints are common and also a pain. I will start doing a lot of extra stretches and strength exercises to try and fix the situation.

I love yoga and I make sure to get in one session a week. If I have some extra time, I will use the P90X yoga which is 90 minutes in length.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 301g (51%)
Protein – 207g (35%)
Fat – 81g (14%)

In good health,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Double Legs

Today was a leg busting double workout. I felt pretty good in the morning, but the evening workout was tough. My legs had really tightened up on me. I jumped off the normal diet in the evening. I had a free coupon for a Flat Top Grill stir-fry. Who am I to say no? I definitely enjoyed it, as well as a Fat Tire brew. Even after the debacle that was my dinner, my calorie intake and ratios were still decent.

The weather has been pretty crappy for the past couple of days. How am I suppose to get in high quality triathlon training with all this rain?

AM Workout

Today was good old Plyo Legs from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. One hour of all legs. I skipped the pull-ups I usually mix in with this workout. With all the triathlon specific workouts I am going to be doing, I need to start cutting back on the strength routines and more importantly the intensity I usually go at.

The workout was great. I was sweating bullets about 5 minutes into the routine. This is really a “must have” workout in my opinion. You really hit every are of the legs. You will definitely hear me talking about how sore I am tomorrow.

PM Workout

3 miles of hill intervals. I was going to go the full half hour, but my legs were very tight and my calves even tighter. I didn’t want to push myself so far that I end up with an injury that could have been prevented. Sometimes it’s the quality, not the quantity of the workout.

It was still a high quality workout. In 24 minutes, I burnt over 400 calories. My max climbs were at an incline of 7.8.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 304g (56%)
Protein – 172g (31%)
Fat – 72g (13%)

In good health,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stretch Day

Today is my stretch day. I use the X Stretch routine from the P90X series. It is about an hour in length and is always welcomed at the end of a long week.

Here is my schedule for the next 7 days:

Monday - X Stretch

Tuesday - 1-on-1 Plyo Legs (AM) and 3 mile run, hills (PM)

Wednesday - 1-on-1 Yoga

Thursday - Kettlebell Routine/Ab Ripper X

Friday - Bike, Sweating Buckets (AM) and Swim 40 minutes, drills (PM)

Saturday - 9 mile run, hills

Sunday - Kettlebell Routine/Ab Ripper X (AM) and Bike 40 miles (PM)


Back on track. My fats are a little high, but they are of the healthy variety.

Calories – 2400

Carbs – 202g (41%)
Protein – 173g (36%)
Fat – 114g (23%)

In good health,

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Race Of 2009

My first race is in the books. It was great to get back into action. Even though it was a short race, it was still beneficial to get my mind into race mode. I also realized why I stopped doing shorter races. It usually takes me about 3 miles before I start feeling comfortable.

My next race is not until the end of June. It will be my first triathlon of the year. I am looking forward to it. I love the atmosphere of triathlon.

AM Workout

5k race.

The weather could have been better. It was rainy and a little on the cool side. I really didn’t mind it. I started off great, but after the first mile it was obvious I was not fully recovered from Friday’s bike ride. I did the best I could and did not push myself like I had planned. With running, triathlon or any endurance sport, you can never predict how you will be feeling the day of the race.

I have learned to go with how I am feeling. That way, I lessen the chance of injury.

I finished in a time of 22:08, 7:08 minute miles.

PM Workout

The afternoon workout was a kettlebell routine followed by Ab Ripper X. The total workout time was about an hour and a half.

This was my first true kettlebell routine and I loved it. I will post my workout down the road. Some of the exercises performed were 2-arm swings, 1-arm swings, chest press, 1-arm press, hammer curls and squats to name a few. It was a great workout and completely different from anything I have done in the past.

Ab Ripper X was just as fun as it always is.


Today I had a few desserts and a Jack Daniels on the rocks. I was at a baptism and these things just happen. Especially when my aunt is an awesome baker. My diet could definitely have been better today.

Calories – 3000

Carbs – 338g (55%)
Protein – 166g (27%)
Fat – 114g (18%)

In good health,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yoga And Rest

Today is pretty much a light activity day. I want to rest my legs as much as possible before tomorrow’s race. The legs are feeling heavy from yesterdays 50 mile ride and I don’t expect them to be fully recovered by tomorrow.


Tony’s 1-on-1 yoga on tap for today. It is 45 minutes of high quality yoga and just what I need. The yoga session felt great and was nothing too strenuous. The vinyasa sequence went by rather quickly today.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 202g (46%)
Protein – 173g (40%)
Fat – 65g (14%)

In good health,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Great Day To Ride

Finally, a perfect day to ride the bike. 70 degrees and no wind. The only issue was that when I got home the kids wanted to go for a bike ride. I had to suck it up and pound the legs again. This was my first ride outside this year with great conditions.


50 miles on the bike. The course was all twists and turns with a few climbs. There were no straight aways. I averaged 20.3mph. I felt good thru the entire ride. My climbing was good and my cornering also felt good. I hope my future rides are as good as this one was.


My fat was a little high today, but I was in need of a good burger.

Calories – 2700

Carbs – 251g (50%)
Protein – 145g (29%)
Fat – 106g (21%)

In good health,

Friday, April 17, 2009

Core Strength

I woke up today feeling very fresh. My body feels rejuvenated and the only thing that I am concerned about is a slight pain on the inside of my shin. I have had shin splints in the past, so I will need to keep an eye on this one.


Today was Core Synergistics from the P90X workout. This is truly a great fit into any endurance athlete’s routine. For me, it fits perfect into my triathlon training schedule.

Core hits everything. Yet, it is not a workout that is going to make you extremely sore. This is the workout I use when it gets closer to my races. When I want a little bit of strength training, but I don’t want to go overboard.

I felt strong today. I would rate the workout above average. I easily could have pushed it, but I really wanted to take it back a notch and let my body recover as much as possible from the previous 3 weeks.


My diet has been steady. No complaints. Except for the fact there is Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cake left over from Easter. Somebody needs to finish it.

That somebody might be me…

Calories – 2300

Carbs – 230g (50%)
Protein – 152g (33%)
Fat – 80g (17%)

In good health,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Time For A Double

Well I am halfway thru my recovery week. Things are moving along good. My body is enjoying the light strength workouts. I have been on edge lately. Nine people in my family came down with the flu. It happened right after our Easter get together. I am anticipating it coming my way. Especially since the wife had it. So far, I am good.

Next week, I am going to switch things up a bit. My strength training is going to be a combination of kettlebell work, P90X and Tony’s 1-on-1 workouts. I should mention that Tony is the creator of P90X. The 1-on-1 workouts are very similar to P90X. Some of them are a little more intense and some are not. It’s nice to add different workouts to the rotation. It keeps things fresh.

AM Workout

I started the morning off with 45 minutes of bike intervals. It was my typical workout. My first set was 21, 23 and 25 miles per hour. My max set was 31, 33, 35 miles per hour. My body is definitely getting use to the workout and I am starting to get a little bored with it. Luckily I had 45 minutes left of a movie, Bottle Shock. For anyone who enjoys wine or is a wino like me, I recommend it. It is based on a true story.

Ok, back to the workout. Next week, I will be switching it up. Instead of intervals, I will be moving to a Spinervals workout. It is called Sweating Buckets and is about an hour in length.

PM Workout

It was a nice mid-afternoon swim. One mile of straight laps. I felt really comfortable with my stroke today. My arms did get tired pretty fast. I know this is due to my strength workouts. Eventually this will drop off as my strength training becomes less frequent.

Overall, a better than average swim.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 259g (49%)
Protein – 186g (35%)
Fat – 88g (16%)

In good health,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Speed Day

I am feeling a little recharged after a nice stretch day. My chest soreness is slowly going away and my legs are feeling a little looser. This is the last week before the mother-in-law leaves. This means I am subject to random attacks by the kids during my workouts. I am also a bout a week out from my first race of the season. It is only a 5k, but I’ll still use it as a gauge for where my conditioning is at. 5k’s are tough for me. I am a runner who needs a little warming up. It usually takes me about 3 miles just to get into a good rhythm. That’s one thing I like about triathlon. You are already warmed up by the time you get to the run.


It was good old speed intervals today. 3 miles total. My pace was set at 8-minute miles. My intervals would be 1 minute at a 7-minute mile pace.

The workout was great. My legs were a little heavy in the beginning. By they time they were loose, I was just about done. Oh well.

My intervals were 1 minute on and 2 minutes off. It was a very comfortable run. I never felt I was pushing too hard. It was perfect for this point in the season.

I truly feel that the P90X plyo workout has been instrumental with the increased intensity in my runs.


I am not sure what to do about my food intake right now. With all the added cardio, I find myself craving carbs more. My appetite is also getting bigger. I will probably keep my same eating schedule for the rest of the week and then switch it up come Monday.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 243g (53%)
Protein – 162g (36%)
Fat – 50g (11%)

In good health,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ah, The Recovery Week

Today is my stretch day. My chest is still hurting and my legs are feeling heavy. It is perfect time for my recovery week.

This is my schedule for this week.

Sunday – Core Synergistics

Monday – X Stretch

Tuesday – 3 mile run, speed intervals

Wednesday – Bike 45 minutes, intervals (AM)
Swim 1 mile (PM)

Thursday – Core Synergistics

Friday – 35 mile bike

Saturday – 1-on-1 yoga


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 232g (44%)
Protein – 198g (37%)
Fat – 100g (19%)

In good health,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Workout

I am still feeling the prior 2 workouts. The extra food I have been eating seems to be helping my recovery. With it being Easter, there is really no reason to post my diet numbers because I was not paying attention. We all need to have a free day.


Today was Core Synergistics from the P90X series. The workout is about an hour in length.

I would give todays workout an average rating. There amount of soreness that I had definitely showed its ugly head while performing some of the moves. I did the best I could without going overboard. I did not want to risk injury.

It is a recovery week, so I had no problem keeping the workout light.


Not a chance. It was Easter.

The numbers will be back tomorrow.

In good health,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Getting Better

Like I said yesterday, this is going to be a quick post. My body is feeling the pain of that 30/15 workout and also the 8-mile hilly run. On a positive note, my cold is on its way out. Today’s workout was going to push me.


2 hours of biking and it would all be hills. The weather was not the best. It was about 50 degrees and windy. I was able to deal with it. My speed was not the best, but given the conditions, I really wasn’t concerned.

About halfway through the ride I came across a puddle I thought I would be able to get through. Wrong. I completely soaked my feet. I thought they would eventually dry off, but never did. Once I hit an hour and a half into the ride, my toes were freezing. For once in my life I used better judgment and cut my ride short. I still got a hell of a ride in.


Calories – 2800

Carbs – 368g (%)
Protein – 154g (%)
Fat – 97g (%)

In good health,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Double From Hell

I am feeling a little better today. I had to rearrange my schedule for the holidays. That means today became a double. I am not sure if I am going to be able to post tomorrow. If I do, it will be extra short.

AM Workout

This was the big one. The 30/15 routine followed by Killer Abs. Both of these workouts are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. My total workout time was about an hour and forty minutes.

When I started I could tell I was still sluggish from having a cold. I gave this workout everything I had. By the fourth set, my arms were shaking. I kept pushing and pushing.

When it was all said and done, I finished with 311 push-ups and 180 pull-ups. The pull-ups are a personal best for me.

I don’t even remember Killer Abs, but I know I got through them.

PM Workout

This was probably not the smartest of moves. 8 miles of hills. About 2 miles in, my chest was feeling it. By mile 6, my chest was a hurtin’.

I wasn’t expecting much out of this run after my mammoth morning workout. I definitely struggled throughout the 8 miles.

I finished with an 8:10 minute mile pace. There were about 1500 feet of climbing and 1600 feet of descents.

Overall, I was very happy with the run. On a side note, I highly recommend NOT doing an 8-mile hill run after the 30/15 routine.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 349g (61%)
Protein – 150g (27%)
Fat – 71g (12%)

In good health,

Friday, April 10, 2009

Go Away

When will this cold break? I am hoping it will be by Saturday. I have two big triathlon specific workouts on tap for then. The mother-in-law has been in town, so there has been no issues with my workouts. That has been nice.


Today was Fountain of Youth Yoga taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 routine. It is 45 minutes in length. I needed this bad and to be honest, I really need a good stretch. I have been lifting heavy and doing crazy amounts of push-ups/pull-ups. I need to settle it down a little.

The yoga was great. I got some really good stretches in.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 298g (53%)
Protein – 164g (30%)
Fat – 96g (17%)

In good health,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

No Change

My cold has stayed the same. I hope it starts to get better. I have a big weekend of workouts planned. I am going to need to be in top shape. I also need to have the weather cooperate with me. I am planning on taking the bike out a couple of times over the weekend.

AM Workout

This morning was 60 minutes of Plyometrics from P90X. I was not sure how this one was going to go. My nose was running and all breathing had to be done through my mouth. I also didn’t push myself. If I had to rate my workout, I would give it a B. It wasn’t my best, but it was definitely better than average.

PM Workout

In the evening was just a basic 5k. No hills and no speed this week. It was just a nice steady pace. I finished at 8-minute miles on the button.

My legs were pretty tired. Maybe I pushed myself a little harder than I thought during plyo.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 239 (45%)
Protein – 218 (41%)
Fat – 72 (14%)

In good health,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Same

I am still feeling under the weather. I am pushing through the workouts and they really have not been suffering too badly. I have my first race coming up in a little over a week and my first triathlon in about 3 months. My training is right where it needs to be.


Today was Just Arms and Killer Abs. Both of these workouts are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. You are looking at about 60 minutes of total workout time. Once again, I added some shoulder exercises to the workout to make it a total shoulder and arms routine.

I really wanted to push myself for this workout, but I decided against it. With being under the weather, it wouldn’t have been the smartest move. Instead I kept everything the same as my previous workout.

Abs went smooth. I have one more Killer Abs routine before switching it up.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 258g (48%)
Protein – 189g (35%)
Fat – 96g (17%)

In good health,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still Not Good

I am still not feeling great, but not bad enough to halt working out. My congestion is all above the neck. I am usually good working out when my chest is clear. Once it goes below the neck, that’s when the problems start. True, not being able to breath out of my nose sucks, but it is a lot better than getting winded.

AM Workout

45 minutes of bike intervals. I didn’t feel too great this morning. I wanted to stop after a ½ hour. I pushed through and finished up. Overall, I feel like my body is getting use to this workout. I may need to switch it up in a couple of weeks.

Once again my max intervals were 31, 33 and 35 miles per hour.

PM Workout

One mile of laps. No breaks. Surprisingly, this is the best swim I have had in some time. I think it was partly due to me not having any strength training prior to hitting the pool. My breathing felt great, as did my form. Everything felt really clean.

After I got out of the pool was a different story. I don’t think being in the water was beneficial for the pressure on my ear.


Calories – 2000

Carbs – 196g (45%)
Protein – 184g (42%)
Fat – 55g (13%)

In good health,

Monday, April 6, 2009

I've Been Better

I am making up for the past couple of days. Yesterday was a rest day, so I have nothing much to report there. The day before was my big run day, so I will talk about that. I am feeling a little under the weather. I am not sure if it is a cold or allergies.

The Run

Distance – 8 miles
Time – 1:03:03
Pace – 7:53
Total Ascent – 1554 ft.
Total Descent – 1611 ft.

This was my first run of the year out at my hilly trail. It was tough. I am definitely not where I was at the end of last year, but I will get there. The weather was a little on the cold side which was fine. I enjoy the cooler weather. I was very happy with my time and pace.

Next week will be another 8-miler out there. We will see how it goes.


The past couple of days I haven’t kept tabs on my diet because I haven’t been eating much due to how I have been feeling. I will start up again tomorrow.

In good health,

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yoga Time

Today is going to be a short blog. It is my birthday and I want to enjoy it. Tomorrow is going to be my first run out at Waterfall Glen, all hills. I am going to need to carb up this evening.


Fountain of Youth Yoga taken from Tony's 1-on-1 series. It is 45 minutes in length. I hvae become a big fan of this workout. It moves quick and it is tough. You start with about 30 minutes of vinyasa's, move into abs and end with some good stretches. I am going to be doing this one for a while.


I needed to carb up today.

Calories - 2600

Carbs - 257g(53%)
Carbs - 148g(30%)
Carbs - 84g(17%)

In good health,

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Streak Is Over!

I knew it wouldn’t last. My streak of uninterrupted workouts ends. Luckily it was on a day that wouldn’t be a problem. About 10 minutes into my workout, I hear pounding on the basement and the loud sounds of Thing 1’s familiar call...D-A-D-D-Y!?!

So basically my workout was extended by 15 minutes after giving her the attention she was seeking. Abs would have to wait until after work. No matter how many times she interrupts me, it always puts a smile on my face. These are the moments I am going to miss 10 years from now.


Today was Just Arms and Killer Abs, both taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. I should note that I have added exercises mixed in with the arm routine. The shoulder exercise I do are shrugs, military press, upright rows and in and outs. I perform each exercise twice.

I am trying to go as heavy as possible. I pounded the arms and forearms. The crazy 8’s exercise at the end killed me. I had to take a mid-set break before I finished the last 16 reps. I have one more Just Arms before my routine changes. Next week, I plan on maxing out on all exercises.

The abs routine went as usual. Thing 1 also decided to bug me during this workout, but I didn’t mind. She hadn’t seen me all day, so it was nice to have a cheering section. Abs were pretty sore today.


I fell off the wagon today. I was just hungry. I really didn’t eat anything bad, but I felt I needed more fuel. I added a ham and cheese sandwich, a pb&j sandwich and a couple of glasses of red wine. This was enough to increase by about 700 calories. No biggie. My ratios were still good. Back to normal tomorrow.

Calories – 2900

Carbs – 309g (50%)
Protein – 219g (35%)
Fat – 91g (15%)

In good health,

Tony's 1-on-1 Killer Abs Overview

This one is going to burn your abs and good. 21 exercises with 480 total reps in 20 minutes. It is a combination of Ab Ripper 200 from Power 90 series and Ab Ripper X from the P90X series. It is a great addition to my ab routines.

The Exercises:

1) Crunch – 20
2) Oblique Crunch – 40 (20 per side)
3) Legs In The Air Crunch – 20
4) Touch The Sky – 20
5) Leg Lifts – 20
6) Laying Down In And Outs – 20
7) Rock And Roll Lifts – 20
8) Dead Turtle On The Highway – 20
9) Full Body Crunch – 20

10) Seated In And Outs – 20
11) Bicycle – 20
12) Reverse Bicycle – 20
13) Crunchy Frog – 20
14) Cross-Leg/Wide Leg Sit-up – 20
15) Scissors – 20
16) Hip Rock And Raise – 20
17) Pulse-ups – 20
18) V-up Roll Ups – 20
19) Oblique Crunch – 40 (20 per side)
20) Leg Climbers – 20 (10 per leg)
21) Mason Twist-Oblique twists, seated position with the legs off the ground – 40

In good health,

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bike Swim

It was another double today. Both workouts went very smooth. No interference from the kids and I was able to get both done while they were sleeping or at school. I am slowly approaching my final week of this phase and I have to say it has been tough. My two strength workouts are both difficult.

AM Workout

The morning started off with 45 minutes of bike intervals. I began with a 4 minute warm up and then the first interval. I work in sets of two. One minute on and one minute off. During the minute on, I increase every 20 seconds. My first set was 21, 23 and 25 miles per hour. My max set was 31, 33, 35 miles per hour. I work in a pyramid.

This was a great way to start off the morning. I burnt a ton of calories and was ready to face the work day.

PM Workout

My afternoon workout was spent at the pool doing 40 minutes of drills. Since it was my first drill session of the season, I wanted to start off slow. Also, swimming has been tough these past couple of weeks. With the heavy weightlifting, my arms and chest hurt as soon as I start.

My sets:

Warm-up: 150 yards
Paddle and Buoy Drills: 250 yards
1-ArmDrills: 250 yards
Fist Drills: 250 yards
Kickboard and Fins Drill: 250 yards
Speed Drills: 100 yards
Cool Down: 150 yards


My diet has been great this week. I couldn’t be happier.

Calories – 1900

Carbs – 149g (38%)
Protein – 192g (48%)
Fat – 56g (14%)

In good health,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Plyo And Some Hills

Today is the best I felt in a few weeks. I think everything is finally coming back together after my week off. The one thing I am struggling with is my strength in the pool. I know this is because I am lifting heavy and doing a lot of push-ups/pull-ups. A couple more months like this and things will switch up a bit.

AM Workout

Plyometrics taken from the P90X fitness routine.

I felt real strong this morning. I was a jumping fool. My legs felt good and fresh. The time seemed to really fly. I truly believe this routine played a big part in a successful 2008 for me.

PM Workout

My first hill intervals workout. I set the treadmill level to 9 and the pace to 8-minute miles. Overall I felt good, but it was tough. Climbs every other minute with multiple climbs of a 7.1 max incline.

I went a total of 3.75 miles.


Calories – 2200

Carbs – 194g (41%)
Protein 206g (43%)
Fat – 76g (16%)

In good health,