Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pump and a Dip

Today is going to be a quick blog. It is a busy day at the house.

AM Workout

Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ series. It is about an hour total.

I really pushed the weights hard today. It was a typical nauseating workout. I needed a 10 minute break before I started Abs Core Plus. My Stomach was pretty sore.

Check out my Wine Fixes All blog for more info on the Upper Plus workout.

PM Workout

A 1 mile pool session, straight laps. I am happy to report it was my best pool session this year. I never really felt uncomfortable with my stroke. I ended up doing some kettlebell swings after the swim. More on those later.

Again, sorry for the short blog, but family/daddy duties come first.


Diet was good today.

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 286g (55%)
Protein – 156g (30%)
Fat – 79g (15%)

In good health,

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday Yoga…What?

Today was a late night yoga session. The early morning was not happening after a visit to Margaritaville the night before. Like I said in previous blog’s, I need to get things under control. The key is recognizing and fixing. That is where I am at right now.


90 minutes of yoga from the P90X series. I sweated my butt off. I have noticed a difference between yoga in the morning and yoga at night. With yoga in the morning, my strength is ok and I am super tight/not as flexible. On the other hand, my balance is excellent. In the evening, my strength is great and I am super flexible, but my balance is not so good. I am still trying to find the reasoning behind this.


Things are getting back on track. I went a little high in the carbs due to a double tomorrow, possibly a triple with a little kettlebell work.

Calories – 2100

Carbs – 284g (61%)
Protein – 98g (23%)
Fat – 69g (16%)

In good health,

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Old 5-6

Today would normally be my yoga day, but I had to switch it around.


Today was Cardio 5-6 Plus from Tony’s one-on-one series. Its 45 minutes in length and moves pretty quick. There is a lot of stretching in this one, about 15 worth. The moves you do are similar to those in the plyo workout and a kickboxing routine.

My heart was consistently between 165-170. The routine is not as demanding as some of the others, but was perfect for me. I looked at it as active recovery.


My diet has not been the best this week. I have been giving myself a little leeway, but I need to get back on track before things go bad.

Calories – 3400

Carbs – 337g (53%)
Protein – 174g (28%)
Fat – 121g (19%)

In good health,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Switch of Schedule

I have decided this week I am going to be a little relaxed on my diet. I am going to enjoy some carbs in the evening and feed some of my cravings. One of them being yesterday’s paczki for Fat Tuesday. I thing I am still in mourning over not being chosen as a finalist in the Million Dollar Body contest.

I had to switch up some of my workouts to accommodate my wife’s work schedule. Sometimes life gets in the way and you have to roll with the punches. The workout should always be flexible enough to make changes. Today ended up being a double.

AM Workout

Total Body Plus taken from the P90X+ series. The total running time is about 45 minutes. This workout hits everything. Core, arms, chest, back, legs, you name it. You do a lot of combination moves in this routine. For example, there is a set called 3x3’s. This is 3 squats, followed by 3 push-ups and ending with 3 pull-ups. You repeat this sequence for 2 minutes. This workout is more about time then reps. So if you pick a weight that is too heavy, you are going to burn out before the time is up.

I went as high as I could with the weights again since this will be my last Total Body Plus workout for a while. Overall, I had a great burn.

PM Workout

I know what you are thinking. “It’s Joe’s mid-week run, another boring 5k”. You would be correct. I am building my base and there is really no reason to go for long runs right now. There is also no reason to go nuts on the speed. My big races do not happen for another 4 months. My pace was a comfortable 8 minute mile, with ¾ of a mile being a 7 ½ minute pace towards the end. I am feeling really comfortable on the run right now. Hopefully my Friday pool session will prove the same.


Even with the paczki’s I ate, my diet numbers still were pretty good.

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 330g (56%)
Protein – 175g (30%)
Fat – 82g (14%)

In good health,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Intervals, Abs and a Loss

Well, today kind of started off with a bummer. The Million Dollar Body contest I had been in through Beachbody picked their 8 finalists today. Unfortunately, I was not one of them. I shook it off and moved on. It was a great feeling being part of the group of twelve (male 30-39) from which one of the finalists would be chosen. Plus, I won $1000 for my age group back in April which qualified me to be a finalist.


Today was Interval X and Abs Core Plus. Both of these workouts are from the P90X+ series. You are looking at a combined workout time of an hour.

Interval X is another favorite of mine. You perform multiple exercises at three different speeds, switching every 20 seconds. The exercises range from running in place to lunges to push-ups. There are times during this workout that my heart rate is 180+. I was dripping wet by the time it was over.

Abs/Core Plus was a little tougher than normal today. The hanging moves were a struggle today. My arms were very weak. I am not sure why? Too many pull-ups the prior week? A ball-busting upper body workout yesterday? I don’t know? You just have to suck it up and do your best. There will always be days that are harder than others. The key is not to get down about. Pick yourself and crush it next time. Your body will tell you when you need to take it back a little. It is wise to listen. You don’t want to end up injuring yourself.


My diet has been pretty good the past couple of days. Last week was immaculate, so I am cutting myself a little slack. I enjoyed a couple of pieces of chocolate as a snack yesterday and they were not of the dark variety, straight milk chocolate. One being a Reese’s Cluster. It was excellent and totally worth it.

Calories – 2000

Carbs – 219g (51%)
Protein – 150g (35%)
Fat – 61g (14%)

In good health,

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Stretch before the Oscars

Today was a complete wash. I was beat. Not due to a hangover, but because the kids are up early no matter what time you go to bed. I laid around all day and got my stretch in right before the Academy Awards. Thing 2 joined me for a couple stretches which was nice. I ended the evening with some sushi and a victory over the wife for the highest number of correct Oscar picks.

This week’s schedule

Sunday - X Stretch (P.M.)

Monday - Interval X Plus and Abs/Core Plus (A.M.)

Tuesday - Total Body Plus (A.M.)

Wednesday - Yoga X (A.M.)
1 mile swim (P.M.)

Thursday - Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus(A.M.)
3 mile run (P.M.)

Friday - Cardio 5-6 Plus (A.M.)

Saturday - X Stretch (A.M.)


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 339g (64%)
Protein – 117g (23%)
Fat – 69g (13%)

In good health,

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wine Fixes All

Today was supposed to be my usual stretch day, but I needed to switch my rotation. I swapped my Saturday and Sunday workout. This meant another double. My fourth of the week. Luckily I did because a double workout today would have never happened. It was a late night with some excellent wine. Believe it or not, I actually managed to get a quick set of pull-ups in at the tasting and I also witnessed an Ironman drink pink champagne. Cheers Mike! Not only did I have a great time, but the vino helped me to forget just how sore I was.

AM Workout

A basic 10k at an 8-minute mile pace. Legs were still sore from pounding them all week long. I popped in Swingers to help pass the time on the treadmill. My pace is coming along great and I am getting into a comfortable rhythm.

PM Workout

This one was tough. Upper Plus, followed by Abs/Core Plus. These routines are taken from the P90X+ series. The P90X+ routines fit nicely into my schedule during race season. The hit multiple muscle groups all at once.

Upper Plus is a 45-minute monster. You do it all. Push-ups, pull-ups, bi’s, tri’s and shoulders. The tough part of this routine is that its not about reps it’s about time. Some sets are a minute and a half. If you don’t pick the right weight, you end up burning out early. I pushed myself as much as possible. I knew I wouldn’t have any lifting routines for a few days, so I maximized this workout.

Abs/Core Plus is just as the title describes. It is 20 minutes in length. You go through 5 rotations, 4 sets in each rotation. You hang from the pull-up bar, you stand, you plank and you sit. An all around great ab routine with moves you have never heard of.


I can’t really give an accurate count today. My calories probably came in around 3,000. With the vino and appetizers, and they were excellent appetizers by the way, I would be kidding myself if I tried to post my intake.

In good health,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Little Core

I am feeling completely burnt out after my double yesterday. To be honest, I am just happy to have a single workout today. Everything went smooth. On another positive note, my kettlebell has arrived.


Core Synergistics taken from P90X. It comes in at about an hour. This workout hits everything, but emphasis is really placed on the core. There are a lot of combination moves, such as lunges with curls/kickbacks/presses, bow to boat and walking push-ups. The routine is fantastic and I look forward to it every time it comes up in the rotation.


I needed to up the calories and carbs today. I needed to switch a workout due to a wine tasting. It can’t all be hard work. You need to have a little fun every now and then. Anyway, this means Saturday will be my fourth double of the week and body needs the proper nutrition. My ratios were right where I wanted them to be.

Calories – 3,200

Carbs - 382g (59%)
Protein - 173g (27%)
Fat - 89g (14%)

In good health,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Burning Out…

I am feeling a little wiped. Today is my third double of the week. It also holds one of my longer workouts. Of course, my daughter was present during the ab section. She was very pissed that my legs kept knocking into her as she was trying to sit on the yoga mat. Then there was also the “lets see how well dad can do abs while I use him as a chair”. The answer to that question was not very well. I needed to pause, get her a fruit snack and put on my wife’s “Best of the 80’s” cd. This would keep her occupied until I was just about finished. My wife turning my kids into 80’s music freaks is a topic better left for a future blog.

AM Workout

Today’s morning workout was Plyo Legs with back, followed by Killer Abs. Both of these workouts come from Tony’s one-on-one series. This is probably in the top 3 of my favorite routines to do. It comes in at a total time of about an hour and a half. The regular workout is Plyo Legs, but I add the pull-ups from P90X’s Legs & Back routine. This takes the workout to the next level.

The Plyo Legs portion of the workout is like a combination of Plyometrics and Legs from P90X. There are some differences though. You are doing more reps and the intensity is higher. I knew I would be feeling it after my previous couple of days which included plyometrics, a 5 mile run and bike intervals. The workout did not disappoint. My heart rate was way up and there was one point that I had to take a breather. Adding the pull-ups really makes this a rocker. Speaking of pull-ups I was able to bring my total up to 166. After this part of the routine, I needed to take a few minutes because I felt my stomach about to get real angry with me.

After about 10 minutes, I started in on Killer Abs. Minus my daughter sitting on my face, I thought it went well. 460 reps/21 different exercises, who can ask for anything more?

PM Workout

This one is pretty boring. It was just a quick 5k (3.1 miles) at an 8 minute mile pace. I wish there was more to write about, but that’s it.


Right on the money again. My diet has been going really well this week.

Calories – 2,100

Carbs - 251g (54%)
Protein - 149g (33%)
Fat - 59g (13%)

In good health,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just What I Needed

Believe it or not, I was uninterrupted by my daughter during today's yoga session. That being said, I was very tired. I think the two doubles have caught up with me.


The workout today was 1½ hours of Yoga X from P90X. My body was pretty tight and my flexibility was not there this morning. The first 45 minutes were rough. 45 minutes of vinyasa’s mixed with poses is tough by itself.

To sum up, I am waiting for this training phase to end. I am really pushing it.

I see my off week on the horizon…


Once again I have been very satisfied with my calorie intake. I can’t remember when I had a perfect string of days like this. Things will be changing soon once the tri training kicks in.

Calories - 2,000

Carbs - 213g(49%)
Protein - 157g(37%)
Fat - 60g(14%)

In good health,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Back to Back Double

Back to back double workouts are definitely not the norm for me. Too much stress on the body, this increases the chance for injury. Luckily, my second part of the double was a short one. I worked from home and was able to get this one done while Thing 1 was at school and Thing 2 was napping.

AM Workout

Today was Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X taken from P90X.

Shoulders and Arms is 1 hour of pounding the shoulders, bi's and tri's. It is a repeat workout consisting of 30 sets. You hit shoulders, bi's, tri's and then repeat those same sets. You are doing fifteen different exercises. I tested the waters and the first few sets. I felt pretty good, so I decided I was going big. I increase the weights on all my sets by 5lbs. I was able to keep my reps between 8-10. On a few of the exercises I needed a mid set break. There is nothing wrong with taking these breaks. They help you reach your goal and readjust your form. I should mention that when I say break, I am not talking a minute. My mid-set breaks last 5 seconds or less.

Ab Ripper was a little tough today. Tummy muscles were quite sore.

PM Workout

30 minutes of bike intervals. Three minute warm-up/cool down. One minute on, one minute off. For a better description of my intervals workout, checkout the previous blog. I did not do a pyramid today, yet I still was dripping sweat when finished.

I stuck with 4 different interval sets. I switch speed every 20 seconds with a recovery of a minute.

Speeds and number of sets:

27mph, 29mph, 31mph - 2 sets
29mph, 31mph, 33mph - 4 sets
31mph, 33mph, 35mph - 5 sets
35mph, 37mph, 39mph - 1 set


Calories and ratios have been perfect the last few days.

Calories - 2,100

Carbs - 254g(54%)
Protein - 166g(36%)
Fat - 49g(10%)

In good health,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Rare Monday Double

After a crappy Sunday, I needed to push my double to Monday. I was still feeling a little tired from the weekend and I knew my PM workout had the potential of completely sucking. Everything went halfway decent. The best part of it all was that it did not cut into my fatherly duties. My youngest was taking a nap and my oldest was doing homework.

AM Workout

Plyometrics today from P90X. Just some good old jump training. This morning was a great workout. I really pushed myself to the max. I was jumping as high as I could and going down super low in my lunges and squats. The legs were on fire, very shaky. The 55 minutes seem to fly by.

PM Workout

This was the one I was questioning how great it would be. I have been averaging about an 8-minute mile. Tonight I would have been happy with about 8.5 or 9 minute miles. Before I ran, I just sat down and tried to regain my focus. I kept telling myself that if I stuck with the 8-minute mile, I would be done in 40 minutes. After a few minutes, I got up and proceeded with my run. My legs felt very heavy. This was most likely due to the morning plyo session. I stuck with the 8-minute mile, but then I started pushing myself. Next thing I knew, I was doing one-minute increases of up to 7-minute miles. Switching up the normal one-dimensional run kept my mind busy and made the workout go by quickly. I finished the 5 miles in 37:17.


My fats are a little high, but this is due to a large piece of salmon and a serving of almonds. All healthy fats. 98% of the time, when my fats look high, it is because of a piece of fish.

Calories – 1,900

Carbs - 176g(45%)
Protein - 139g(35%)
Fat - 79g(20%)

In good health,

Monday, February 16, 2009

To Tired for a Double

Today was supposed to be a double workout, but there was no chance at this. We went for dinner at my cousin’s house and did not get home until after 3am. Of course, this means nothing to a 1 year old. She was still up by 7am. Yuck! I tried to motivate myself. It just wasn't happening. At around 5pm, I felt I had enough energy to get a workout in. I would just have to move my run to tomorrow. This will interfere with time spent with the family, but will be made up when I work from home the following day.


Today’s workout was Chest and Back followed by Ab Ripper X. Both are taken from the P90X program. It is an excellent workout. Push-ups followed by pull-ups. There are also a couple of rowing exercises thrown in there as well. Total workout time for Chest and Back is about 55 minutes. 24 sets, 12 different exercises which are repeated.

I was a little nervous about today’s workout due to my extreme lack of sleep. I didn't feel great while I was working out, but my numbers showed otherwise. I felt like I had an extra 15 pounds on my frame while I was doing pull-ups. They were tough. I also was able to punch out over 250 push-ups. I was feeling quite nauseous when I was done. I needed an extra 5 minutes before starting Ab Ripper.

Ab Ripper was its usual 15 minutes of bliss. No problems here.


Ratios could have been better and my calories should have been a little lower. I am starting to notice that when there is a large time gap between my last snack and dinner, it tends to cause problems come dinnertime. I am going to need to add another snack around 5 since my dinner usually isn't until around 7:30.

Calories - 2,300

Carbs - 241g(58%)
Protein - 123g(30%)
Fat - 52g(12%)

In good health,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Needing a stretch...

Saturday was my stretch and will continue to be for the next four weeks. After that, my training will switch. Again, the stretch was about 55 minutes. I think on days that I stretch, I am going to share an aritcle or some kind of training tip instead of talking about my stretch workout. This would get to be extremely boring.

This weeks schedule

Sunday - Chest & Back/Ab Ripper X (P.M.)

Monday - Plyometrics (A.M.)
5 mile run (P.M.)

Tuesday - Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper X (A.M.)
30 minute bike intervals (P.M.)

Wednesday - Yoga X (A.M.)

Thursday - Plyo Legs & Back/Killer Abs (A.M.)
3 mile run (P.M.)

Friday - Core Synergistics (A.M.)

Saturday - X Stretch


Calories - 2,400

Carbs - 116g(28%)
Protein - 221g(52%)
Fat - 86g(20%)

In good health,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sick on the bike

Today was 60 minute of bike intervals. I use this workout as maintenance for my triathlon training. Unfortunately, I am feeling the same as yesterday. The Cold-Eeze seem to be keeping my symptoms at bay. My body is incredibly sore from my Legs and Back workout yesterday. It's a good sore, but coupled with being sick is not the best combo.


Bike intervals are one of my favorite wintertime routines. I sweat my patootie off. It is a workout I came up with on my own. It is 60 minutes overall, including a 5-minute warm-up and cool down. I start in the big chain ring in the front and around 15-17 in the back. I work in a pyramid and go a minute on/a minute off. For the on minute I increase every 20 seconds. I start at 21mph, and then go to 23mph and finally 25mph. I do this for 2 sets. The next set, I increase to 23, 25, 27mph. And so on. My minute off hovers between 21mph and 23mph depending what set I am on. My max mph set was 33, 35, and 37. My average speed for the overall workout was 25mph.


Ratios could have been better and my calories should have been a little lower. I am starting to notice that when there is a large time gap between my last snack and dinner, it tends to cause problems come dinnertime. I am going to need to add another snack around 5 since my dinner usually isn't until around 7:30.

Calories - 2,600

Carbs - 276g(55%)
Protein - 159g(32%)
Fat - 65g(13%)

In good health,

Friday, February 13, 2009

A little under the weather

As I awoke from my slumber, I could tell it was going to be a crap day. I felt like somebody had sandpapered my left tonsil and my body was achy. I had no idea if I was going to get through the days double workout. I made it through my 3 mile run in the morning. The evening workout was the one I thought I was going to struggle with. I started popping Cold-Eeze and went for a double latte at around 3pm. When I got home from work, I jumped right into my workout. The wife and kids were out, so it was a perfect environment. I made it through the second of my double workout. Dinner was next on the agenda and then bed.

AM Workout

3 mile run in 23:42, about a 7:54 minute mile. My runs are right where I want them to be this time of season. I am consistently running around an 8:00 minute mile pace. Considering I am not in tri-training mode yet, this is above where I expected to be.

PM Workout

This was the long one. Legs and Back followed by Killer Abs. The Legs and Back workout is from the P90X series. It is about 55 minutes in length. You basically do two leg exercises followed by a set of pull-ups. I crushed it. It looks like the midday latte helped. I used between 15-20lbs. dumbbells for all the squats, lunges and calf raises. This was perfect for me. Just enough to take me to the edge. My pull-ups were a personal best, 160 clean! I was pumped when I was finished. I am not sure if I will be able to fit anymore pull-ups in the time allotted. A great all around burn.

Next, Killer Abs. This is taken from Tony Horton's 1-on-1 series. 21 exercises. 460 reps. Stomach was on fire when I was finished.


Ratios were right on the money today, but my calories could have been a little higher.

Calories - 1,600

Carbs - 145g (47%)
Protein - 135g (43%)
Fat - 32g (10%)

In good health,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yoga...with a little interference

Ah, the joys of being The Everyday Endurance Athlete.

Yesterday was my usual Wednesday dilemma. How do I fit in an hour and a half of yoga before Thing 2(my 1 year old) wakes up? Also, how do I accomplish this without getting up at 5am? The answer is the same as weeks prior. I have no frickin' idea. This means that at about the halfway point, she will come into the room and start stealing my yoga block and strap.

This day was no exception. She was in the room before she even chomped down her typical breakfast appetizer, a banana and a glass of milk. I say appetizer because she has around four breakfasts. She took the yoga block immediately leaving me in trouble early. There are some moves that I cannot perform without the assistance of a yoga block. If I did, I would most likely be in the emergency room with a wide range of torn connective tissue. Then, towards the end, she ventured back into the room to see how else she could cause daddy pain or discomfort. As I was doing my abs, she grabbed a book and decided she was going to use me as a seat. It was great and the bouncing while sitting just added to the pleasure. Nothing like doing boat and touch the sky with a kid sitting on your stomach and laying back on your chest. Then, to add insult to injury, she gets up and walks over by my feet. She bends down, smells them, let’s out a big "Ohhh" while waving her hand in front of her face and leaves the room. This is no exaggeration of the story.

As frustrating as it is at the time, it always puts a smile on my face later in the day. These are moments that will be with me forever.


Since my story took up a little more time, I will just touch on the workout and discuss it more in future weeks.

Today was Yoga X from the P90X fitness routine. It is 1 hour 32 minutes in length. Yoga is very important in my workouts and I hit it once a week. The biggest benefit of yoga for me has been increased flexibility. This had lead to less injury. This in turn makes Joe a happy yoga doer guy.


I was a little heavy on the calories yesterday. I had a double workout on tap, so this was the plan. I went a little overboard. Things were great and right on point until I had my first chicken/steak fajita for dinner. These were on corn tortillas, which got rid of the processed flour. The problem was after I had my first sip of a margarita. I knew a dessert wouldn't be too far behind. Damage was not too bad. It could have been worse. Ratios were still good. That's a plus.

Calories - 3,000

Carbs - 408g(60%)
Protein - 175g(27%)
Fat - 87g(13%)

In Good Health,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time for a Change

After not much thought, I have decided to blog on my previous day’s workout and diet. This way everything lines up. I was getting confused writing it. If I am getting confused writing it, I am sure anyone reading it is most likely confused as well. So, I ask for a little slack here. I am new to blogging and the whole writing on a daily basis thing.

I will talk about yesterday’s diet so everything will line up tomorrow.


Yesterday was a lifting day, so my protein was high and, for the most part, my diet was clean. I could not avoid a nice glass of Meritage. I tried, but it was as if it was calling my name from the other room. I think I may have snuck a piece of dark chocolate as well. This brings me to a staple in my diet. One piece (1/2oz.) of dark chocolate. With benefits such as lowering of blood pressure and it being a potent antioxidant, how can I refuse?

Calories - 1900

Carbs - 179g(46%)
Protein - 144g(38%)
Fats - 60g(16%)

In Good Health,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back and Bi's 2/10/2009

I am feeling it today. I was pretty damn sore this morning and did not feel like getting up to workout. I hit snooze a couple of times and decided I would pound the arms and back. Of course my cup 'o joe would be my training partner.

The Workout

Another P90X routine. This one is Back and Bicpes followed by Ab Ripper X. This is another one of my favorites. Twenty-four different exercises in 50 minutes. Pull-ups and curls and rows, OH MY! I felt like my biceps were going to pop. You perform 12 separate curl routines, the last being a strip set of 32 reps using four different weights. My form was a little sketchy here, but it was the last set and my arms were shot. All but two sets of curls were performed using 30 or 35 pounds. Pull-ups were tough today. Only increased on one set. All the rest stayed the same. My back was pretty tight from yesterdays swim.

Ab Ripper X was a little tougher today. My stomach was sore, but I kept my shoes on this time. A lot of the exercises are done with both feet off the ground. The added weight of the shoes definitely adds a little intensity.


After back to back days of double workouts, as well as low intake, I decided to give my body what it needed...more calories.

Calories - 2900

Carbs - 361g(58%)
Fat - 95g(15%)
Protein - 162g(27%)

I am thinking about switching the blog around a little bit and make it more uniform. More on this tomorrow.

In good health,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Second double of the week 2/9/2009

Finally, after three consecutive nights of little sleep, I had a solid slumber.

I was up at 6am today for my first workout. This was done with coffee of course. My afternoon workout was at the pool. When I work from home, I am able to do a lunchtime swim there. Very convenient.

AM Workout

Today was Plyo X from the P90X fitness program. I am a big fan of plyometrics and use it pretty deep into my race season. I feel that plyometrics played a large part in my improved race time. I saw an increase in speed on both the bike and the run. I will discuss more on this through the weeks.

Back to the workout. 55 minutes of jump training. You go through a cycle of four movements. The first three are 30 seconds each and the last one is 1 minute in length. You repeat this cycle twice and then get a 30 second break. My first experience with plyo was not pleasant. I felt nausea. Now, I can't get enough of it.

PM Workout

One mile swim at the local pool. It wasn't pretty, but I was able to cover the distance. My arms/shoulders were very sore from yesterdays Chest, Shoulders and Tri's workout. It is good to get back in the pool after an extended break.


Heavy protein day to compliment yesterdays heavy lifting.

Calories - 1,600

Carbs - 98g(35%)
Fat - 52g(18%)
Protein - 131g(47%)

In good health,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Double Trouble on 2/8/2009

For me, Sundays are usually a double workout. My first workout is done before everyone wakes up and the second is done when my youngest goes down for her nap. The one thing I make a point to do is not to let my workouts interfere with family time. I would say I am able to accomplish this about 85% of the time.

Today was not the case. I woke up late after an evening of good music and a couple of good beers. That is not an excuse not to get my workout in, so I pushed through.

AM Workout

This morning was my longest run of the new year. A solid 10k. I felt sluggish the first mile, but then I found my groove. The weather was nice for this time of year, 40 and sunny. I finished in 48:37, about an 8 minute mile.

PM Workout

The afternoon workout consisted of Chest, Shoulders & Tri's, followed by Ab Ripper X. These routines are right out of the P90X program. I am debating whether I should post the exercises, reps and weight. We will see down the road.

This workout pounded me today. I was about halfway through the 24 set routine and I knew I was really going to have to push it. Arms were shaking pretty bad on the side-to-side push-ups. That being said, this is one of my favorite workouts. No repeated exercise.

Ab Ripper X is always a joy to do. 11 exercises, over 300 reps in 15 minutes.


Yesterday was my stretch day, but I was eating for Sundays double. This means my carb intake will be high, but my calories will be low. Carbs ratio is a little high. If I cut out about 30g, it would have put me at 65%. Right where I would want it to be.

Calories - 1,800

Carbs - 265g (77%)
Fat - 40g (12%)
Protein - 38g (11%)

In good health,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stretching on 2/7/2009

Today, my first true blog and what do I throw at you...stretching. I promise things will get more interesting.

That being said, stretching is an important part of all my workouts. I start out all my workouts, with about 5 minutes of stretching. This gets the muscles loose and ready for action. I also end all workouts with about 3 minutes of stretching.

These days, Saturdays are completely devoted to stretching. I use P90X's X Stretch video. This is a total body stretch that runs about 55 minutes in length. After a long week of workouts, this is just what I need. I am usually pretty damn sore by this point.

The stretching has helped out my flexibility huge. It has also gotten rid of some of those small nagging sore spots that never seem to go away. Stretching changed that. My rotator cuff and shin splint issues that I have dealt with suddenly disappeared after a few stretch sessions.

Today's stretch was good. I was extremely sore across the chest and arms. I keep forgetting how tight my glutes get by pounding them throughout the week.


I promised I would post my diet. My posts will be from the prior day. Since I did not post my workout yesterday, I wanted to mention it here. I did Tony's 1-on-1 Cardio 5-6 Plus(more on that in future post). Basically, it was 40 minutes of cardio. I will also include the percentage of carbs, protein and fat that make up my diet.

Calories - 2000

Carbs - 196g (47%)
Fat - 72g (17%)
Protein - 149g (36%)

Workout for 2/8/2009 - 2/14/2009

On my Saturday blog, I will post my upcoming week's schedule.

Sunday - 6 mile run (A.M.)
Chest, Shoulder & Tri's/Ab Ripper X (P.M.)

Monday - Plyometrics (A.M.)
1 mile swim (P.M.)

Tuesday - Back & Biceps/Ab Ripper X (A.M.)

Wednesday - Yoga X (A.M.)

Thursday - Legs & Back/Killer Abs (A.M.)
3 mile run (P.M.)

Friday - 60 minutes of intervals on the bike (A.M.)

Saturday - X Stretch

In good health,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome Endurance Athletes!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I am an everyday endurance athlete that enjoys a challenge. I participate in triathlons, marathons, short-distance races(5k, 10k, etc.), long distance cycling, kayaking. I have a full-time job, a family, a house that is in constant need of work, etc. I also do part-time fitness coaching. Basically, I am like all of you. I am trying to enjoy fitness while managing a life. I have limited time to get my training and workouts in, as I am sure is your problem.

What to expect in my blog

I will be attempting to post my workouts/training and diet daily. I will also be discussing any road blocks that get in the way. This can include injury, weather hazzards, nagging wife(hopefully she won't be reading this), screaming children, work or any other unforeseen issues. Upcoming races will also be talked about. And of course, my love of wine and dessert.

Another topic will be the P90X fitness program, how it fits into my training and why I think it is a perfect match for the endurance athlete or anyone looking for a great fitness routine.

P90X - A quick overview why I enjoy it!

P90X is an extreme home-based fitness program. The operative word here being home-based. On limited time, I don't want to have to worry about getting to the gym in the morning. With P90X, I am able to wake up, go into the basement and have a great workout. The workouts are great and will challenge you, as well as your endurance. My race times improved dramatically this year after using the program. I had some awesome physical results and won $1000 in their transformation contest. I will discuss more of the workouts in future blogs.

You can view the video from when I won the contest back in April here:

You can view photos of my transformation using P90X here:

In good health,