Monday, October 5, 2009

Three Day

Workouts were Basketball, X Stretch, Chest and Back. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I have had a few busy days at work, so I am going to talk about the past 3 days. Luckily there is not much to discuss since basketball and stretch days were involved. I will also average out my food for the three days. Speaking of food, my intake has been fairly consistent. This is good to see early in my program.

Friday morning hoops. This was brutal given the fact I worked until 1:30am. That being said, my jump shot was even more non-existent this week. I still played hard defense and gave my best effort. I burnt some good calories.

Saturday was X Stretch day which I took a pass on. I was wiped out from another late night of work on Friday and did not feel like doing anything but try to catch up on some sleep.

Chest and Back was a little rough this week. My goal was to increase by a couple in each of the exercises, which I did. The issue I had was that I did not feel my best. I felt like every exercise was a struggle. I know it was probably due to my lack of sleep. This made for a very bad workout. I increased in all push-ups by 2-4 reps and all pull-ups by 2 reps. My weight was increased during lawnmovers by 5 lbs. All others stayed the same.

I was unable to fit in Ab Ripper X due to my daughter’s birthday, but I will hit it tomorrow. Things are going to be switched around a little bit this week to accommodate my schedule. Swimming is going to replace Friday’s basketball.

Calories – 1800

Carbs – 173g (46%)
Protein – 152g (41%)
Fat – 51g (13%)

In good health,

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