Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today was a 5.5 mile run, Back and Biceps with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I knew I would be working late tonight and tomorrow would be a struggle for a tough workout. So I made today a long double.

I started in the morning with Back and Biceps with Abs. I wanted to keep the same pace a last weeks workout. Increase where I could and stay the same when needed. That is exactly what I did. I moved up weight and reps on a few exercises and increased each set of pull-ups by 2. Overall, an A+ workout.

Next was my run. A ½ mile in, I knew it was going to be a quality run. I felt strong the whole time. My pace was good and so was my breathing. Then it happened. I ran past a fire department training facility and they were in the process of practicing putting out a fire and there was a good amount of smoke. I had no choice but to run right through it. It was brutal. I was coughing and my eyes were burning. Luckily the smoke cleared fairly quickly.

A great day of exercise.


Calories – 1300

Carbs – 110g (41%)
Protein – 130g (48%)
Fat – 30g (11%)

In good health,

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