Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today was Interval X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Interval X, from the P90X+ series, is one of my favorite workouts. It really gets your heart rate up. You go through the first half and think, that wasn’t so bad. Then the second half hits you and you realize how tough it is. It is only about 40 minutes in length, but it definitely gets the job done. You don’t just hit cardio intervals, some resistance moves are added in there as well. I started off very sore from yesterdays back and bicep workout, so I wasn’t expecting to go all out. I would say I gave between a 90-95% effort. That was honestly all it took to give me one heck of a workout. I will be looking forward to this one next week. I will be giving it 100%.


Calories – 1800

Carbs – 181g (48%)
Protein – 153g (41%)
Fat – 42g (11%)

In good health,

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