Thursday, October 22, 2009

It Hurts

Today was Chest, Shoulders and Tri’s with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Again, I was put in my place. Just when I thought I was making gains, this workout reminds me of why it is good to switch things up. I started off strong, but slowly went down. The push-ups in this workout are brutal. I needed to take a few mid-set breaks just to get up to 8 reps. Maybe it was because I was using heavier weight? Maybe it was because I haven’t fully recovered from Sundays Back and Biceps? Triceps felt somewhat strong, but I definitely need some work on this one. Even my Abs were feeling it.

Tomorrow is yoga and a 5 mile run.


Calories – 1500

Carbs – 135g (47%)
Protein – 120g (42%)
Fat – 33g (11%)

In good health,

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