Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catch Up

Today was Basketball, 5k and Back & Biceps followed by Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Time for catch up. I was tied up all weekend and was unable to post a blog.


A good solid 2 hours of basketball. I even saw a glimpse of my jump shot coming back. I mostly stuck with the hustle, rebounding and defense game. Many a calorie burnt…


Today is my usual X Stretch day, but I had a 5k scheduled with my daughter. Her first!!! I couldn’t imagine running 3 miles at seven years old. She did great. I couldn’t be more proud of her. She said she wants to do this race every year. Good experience = good outcome.


My first Back and Biceps workout in a long time. This was rough. 2 sets of back followed by 2 sets of bi’s. 24 sets total in about 40 minutes, minus the warm-up and cool down. I started off strond and ended strong. I pushed myself without going overboard. I knew it was going to be a good day when I pumped out 14 wide grip pull-ups right out of the box. I imagined things would slow down as the workout progressed, but never did. I was able to stick with consistent weight and consistent reps.

I am really paying close attention to my diet. I want to drop another 2 pounds by the end of this week.


Calories – 1500

Carbs – 161g (47%)
Protein – 147g (43%)
Fat – 35g (10%)

In good health,

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