Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No Double

I was suppose to do a double today, but switched to a single workout. In fact, minus my brick this weekend, I am going to cut out all doubles for the next week. I am also thinking of taking two days of next week. My body is not recovering like it should and my shin splints are still lingering. I am going to look back over my training and see where I potentially went wrong. I believe it was the double plyo/run days.


I went with Interval X Plus and Abs/Core Plus. Both of these workouts are taken from the P90X+ series.

I had a great workout. It was extra good because the wife joined me on this one. We very rarely get a chance to workout together.

We crushed this workout. Heart rate was up and the sweat was pouring. Things got a little tough with our daughter getting in the way. At times, almost getting kicked in the head. Needless to say, we got thru.

The wife skipped doing Abs/Core Plus with me. I definitely feel my abs getting stronger, but my lower back is very tight. I am almost considering taking a week off.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 214g (50%)
Protein – 155g (36%)
Fat – 60g (14%)

In good health,

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