Monday, June 29, 2009

First Triathlon of 2009

My first triathlon is in the books. It was tough. Lots of hills and winds that were between 20-25mph. I made a slight mistake by going on a 2 story water slide the night before with the kids. Up the steps well over a dozen times, but it was worth it. The kids and myself had a blast. This particular triathlon was a “D” race, meaning it was more a gauge to see where I was at and what I needed to work on.

Olympic Distance

Pre-race…when I pulled my bike out of the car, I discovered my front tire was flat. How? I didn’t want to start the day changing a flat, but that is exactly what happened.

Swim – After looking at how choppy the water was before the race, I knew the swim would be rough. The water threw me all over the place. Lost my sighting a bunch of times and the waves crashed over my head filling my mouth with water when I was expecting a breath of air. I probably swam a little extra after losing my way, but I didn’t really care much. I finally got into a good rhythm on the way back (out and back swim), but the waves still made it tough. My time was 37 minutes and change. About 7 minutes longer than I wanted, but given the conditions it was fine with me.

T1 – 3 minutes. Took my time. I really wasn’t focused on a speedy transition.

Bike – This was tougher than the swim. All hills and rolling hills. It seemed like no matter where you turned there was wind or cross wind. I never experienced being blown sideways like that before. On some of the climbs, I was down to 9mph. I told myself before the race started, after seeing the wind conditions, that if I finished with an average of 19mph I would be happy. I finished at 19.3mph. Total bike time was 1:12. Again, I was about 7 minutes off the pace I would have liked to have been at come, but with the wind, I was happy with my time.

T2 – 3 minutes. Again, wasn’t worried about it.

Run – My legs were feeling it by this point. I started my run and the wind blew my visor right off and I had to go chase it down. The run course was loaded with hills as well. 1200 feet of climbing over the 6.2 miles. It was pretty much a trail run all on grass or wooded area. I enjoyed it. Finished in 50:45 with an 8:11 pace. I was about 3 minutes off my time here. Nothing to concern myself with.

Finishing time 2:47.

I felt strong throughout the race and will my training the same.

In good health,

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