Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Recovery

I skipped my blog yesterday, another P90X stretch day, because I wanted to keep my workouts lined up with the correct day. I have always been a day behind so I could post all my nutrition. Since I will not be posting my nutrition for a while, I figured to line everything up.


Tony’s 1-on-1 Recovery 4 Results.

This was my first time doing this workout. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I wanted something light and this seemed like it would be a good fit and it was. It was a combination of stretching, yoga, light cardio and some resistance training. This is a perfect 30 minute routine when you are looking to take a light day, but don’t want to just sit on your butt.

I got my heart rate up a little, but did not over exert myself. This workout will definitely become a part of my routine. Especially when I want something light during triathlon training.

In good health,

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