Friday, June 19, 2009

Late Night Mistake

Yesterday’s late night workout was a big mistake. I finished at about 11pm but didn’t fall asleep until 12:30am. I was so wired from the workout that I ended up watching Sportscenter until I was able to get some z’s.

I spent an hour on the trainer last night and sweated my butt off. I had to have burned a ton of calories. My cadence felt good. I feel like my bike is coming along great this year.

I was going to do yoga today, but I think I will just do a nice stretch to get ready for tomorrow’s brick. I will use my usual X stretch from P90X. Stretching is vital in my triathlon training routine.

Now, the negative. I have come down with a slight cold. With my first triathlon about 7 days away, this is not the best time. I will be popping cold-eez and vitamin c for the remainder of the week. I need to knock this out quickly.

In good health,

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