Monday, June 1, 2009

A Tough Double

Today was a double from hell. A total workout time of over 4 hours. Luckily I was able to space it while everyone was sleeping. My first triathlon is less than a month away and I feel like I am almost there. P90X is going to take a back seat in the upcoming months as I focus on tri training.

AM Workout

Total Boday Plus from the P90X+ routine. 45 minutes total.

This was pretty tough this morning. I am already making progress on pull-ups. Too bad it will be short lived due to me focusing straight on triathlon for the next couple of months. Strength workouts will be limited.

PM Workout

55 mile bike.

I wanted to keep a pace of at least 18mph. I would be riding in the streets and hitting stop lights, as well as lots of turns. I needed to think realistically. I finished at 18.7mph. It was a great ride. My quads were shot by the time I was done. I definitely think I am ahead of the game with my cycling this year.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 291g (54%)
Protein – 171g (31%)
Fat – 82g (15%)

In good health,

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