Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tough Brick

Ugh. Not a good night sleep. We had a dog over at the house last night and it dumped on the carpet. The carpet cleaning started at 6am. This would have been fine except I didn’t go to bed until 12am. This mixed with having a cold, made me not so eager to work out. I waited until the wife got home from driving her friend to the airport. By this time it was close to 80 degrees outside, not ideal conditions.


20 mile bike followed by a 4 mile run, all hills.

It was suppose to be a 6 mile run, but the weather, my lack of sleep and my cold change the scheduled work out. I started off on the bike sluggish and immediately encountered hills. After about 3 miles, I started feeling better, but not great. I finished feeling halfway decent.

Then came the run.

It was hot and very humid. I had to keep pouring water on myself. My allergies and cold didn’t make it easy to breath. I felt like the wise decision was to cut it short. With my triathlon next week, I didn’t want to push it to the point that I get worse. I finished a little disappointed I didn’t get my 6 in, but oh well. I will have more opportunities.

In good health,

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