Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sun City Carnival

This weekend was pretty much going to be a wash as far as blogging and working out went. I started out Saturday with some fountain of youth yoga from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. It was perfect after my 12 mile run the previous day. My calves were super tight. I actually should have done the yoga from the P90X series. Later that afternoon, I went to see Kenny Chesney and it was a 7 hour concert. It was an awesome show.

After many beers that night, I knew there would be no working out on Sunday. When I woke up, I knew that was going to be the case.

I am starting a new job tomorrow, so this weeks schedule is kind of up in the air. I know Saturday will be a brick and that I would like to get two swim sessions in, as well as a bike.

Two weeks until my first triathlon of the year!

In good health,

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