Thursday, June 4, 2009

More Hills?

Another double was on tap today, but without a pool at my disposal, it became another single. I am also watching my shins. I am really feeling some shin splints lately. I have come up with another possible cause. I just switched gym shoes recently. I am thinking that might also be a cause. I am cutting out all plyo, so we will see.

On a side note Thing 2 was extra needy during today’s workout. I had to stop and help her a couple of times. She could not decide if she wanted to be on the rocking horse or off the rocking horse.


3 miles of hill intervals.

Yesterday’s single workout definitely benefited my legs. It took a few minutes for my shins to loosen up, but after that I felt very good. I definitely could have gone longer. I am starting to feel like I need a few days off in a row.

I kept my pace at 8 minute miles. My max climbs were at a 7.8 incline.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 287g (55%)
Protein – 166g (32%)
Fat – 72g (13%)

In good health,

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