Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brake Rub

Skipped another day of posting, but it was only a stretch day using P90X’s X Stretch. No biggie. I am taking it pretty slow this week. I need to let the muscles get some rest as my first triathlon approaches. The next few weeks will be straight triathlon training. I have an injured hand as I ate some concrete late last week. I have also had to take a couple weeks off of swimming. That is not so good. They kept the pool closed an extra week.


40 miles on the bike.

Not the best ride. The conditions were poor and I had some mechanical problems. I rode 30 miles with my brake completely pressing against the tire. I was wondering why the ride felt tough. I was not in the mood to fix it, so I just opened the brake and kept riding. I will be doing some tune-up work this week.

In good health,

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