Monday, June 8, 2009

All Over The Place

My schedule is all screwy this week. Workouts have been switched around and my pool is still closed for another week. Luckily the triathlon at the end of the month is just a tune up for August. The days I didn’t post were just stretch days. I am not sure how my schedule is going to play out this week. I also am going to stop posting diet until after triathlon season and once I am back on P90X. My diet is going to be about 60% carbs, 25% protein and 15% fats.


Today was a nice and easy 4 mile run. I went at about an 8:30 minute mile pace. I went out with a friend and I forgot how the time flies when you run with someone else.

We just hit a local trail because he wanted to check out a pair of Zoot shoes. When we got to the tri store they said they no longer carry Zoot shoes due to all the complaints. It was a good piece of information.

I am going to be taking another stretch day tomorrow and will probably do 55 miles on the bike the following day.

I also forgot to post the brick I did a couple of days ago. I did 15 miles on the bike followed by a 5 mile run. It was a great workout, but tough. It was hot and humid. It will help get my body adjusted to those kinds of conditions.

In good health,

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