Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back To Normal

It has been two days since the race and I am back in full triathlon training. I took the day after the race off, but then it was back to work.

I went for a light 4 mile run yesterday. I kept about an 8 minute mile pace. I actually felt halfway decent. The only noticeable thing was my calves. They were extremely tight. After the 3 mile mark they loosened up. I gave them a nice stretch when I got home. I didn’t want to go too hard on the run. I have a long 12 miler this weekend.

Today was a short ½ mile swim. My shoulders were still sore from the race. They never really loosened up. I felt pretty comfortable, nothing really special with this one.

Back to strength training tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I have missed lifting. I am going to start lifting once a week over the next three.

In good health,

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