Thursday, July 2, 2009


I had a hard time waking up this morning. I have been falling into nice deep sleeps lately. I don’t know what has changed, but I have really been relaxed lately. I hope it stays this way for a while. I have also really been focusing on my diet and eating as clean as possible. Summertime is difficult for me when it comes to eating. All the bbq’s, beer and dessert. I am going to do my best.


Back to the weights today. I did a somewhat easy 40 minute routine. Two sets per muscle group, minus the legs. I want to keep those as fresh as possible for tomorrow’s 12 mile run. I did some very basic exercises. ..curls, bench press, shoulder press, tri extension, etc. Surprisingly, I felt strong. I wanted to increase the weight halfway thru most sets, but I held back.

As tempted as I was to jump into a P90X workout, I kept it light. Being neck deep in triathlon training, P90X has to be put on hold. The reason being is that I am sore for days after every X workout. With my mileage getting higher, being sore is not what I want to be when I go for a 70 mile bike. Another month and a half and P90X will be back

In good health,

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