Monday, July 27, 2009


I made it thru the weekend. The ankle is still a little tender, but getting better everyday. The brick went well. The bike portion was fine. I went 20 miles at a 20mph pace. I definitely could have gone faster, but I did not want to push it too much. I soon as I started the run, I knew the ankle was still not 100%. My gait just felt weird. Surprisingly I finished the 5 miles with a 7:30 pace. I went home and iced.

The following day was a 2 hour bike. I wanted to keep an 18-19mph pace. I finished at 19.3mph. My biggest issue during the ride was that I was a little hungover from the night before. Going to a local winery was probably not the best call.

We are under a week for the half marathon. I have a few more triathlon specific workouts and then I am going to rest for 3 days before the race.

In good health,

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