Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bike and a Run

Well, after my peak week of triathlon training, I am still feeling a little sore. I don’t think I fully recovered. If I could go back, I would have stretched more and maybe ate for recovery. I have a couple more weeks before my half marathon and I am about a month out from my Olympic distance triathlon, my last tri of the season.

Yesterday, I took my bike to work. It is about 50 miles round trip. I figure it is good for getting in that extra bike training during the week. I ride at about a 19-20mph pace. The streetlights bring down the speed. Next week I will wear my Garmin to see exactly where I am at.

Today was a 4 miler. I went at an 8:00 minute mile pace. I felt pretty good this morning. My legs loosened up pretty quick. I felt like I could have gone another 6 miles easily.

In good health,

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