Monday, July 6, 2009

The Weekend

It was a very busy weekend. Between the bbq, fireworks and ribfest, it was surprising I even got any workouts in. I am pretty much going to be playing catch up today and go over my past few days. The diet was put on hold for the weekend for obvious reasons. I am back on track today and will be so until this coming weekend when we are loaded with another party and bbq.

Saturday was supposed to be a 60 mile ride. That was cut to 40 miles. It was raining and I ran into 2 parades at 2 separate locations, that was enough for me to put an end to my ride. Overall the ride was ok. Legs felt ok. They were a little sore from the previous days 12 miler. I will have to make a mental note not to ride on the 4th of July.

Sunday, I didn’t do a thing but enjoy ribfest and being with the family.

Today was an early morning lifting session. Nothing major here, just some light lifting to keep my body use to weight training. I tried to crank out some push-ups. I definitely lost a little bit in this category. I am probably going to take up a couple of weeks to build up my strength before I jump into P90X, but right now I am staying focused on triathlon training.

In good health,

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