Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back 2 Brick

Ankle is healing slowly. It is still tender, but I got back to triathlon training. I started on Wednesday with a 2 mile run in the morning, which went fine. No significant pain, but definitely not 100%. I stayed at an 8 minute mile pace. Later that afternoon was my swim. 1 mile, straight laps. This is where I felt some weirdness in the ankle. I don’t know if it was the way the water was making it twist or what, but there was some uncomfortable feelings going on. The swim was ok.

The next day was an 18 mile bike and I felt extremely strong. No ankle pain what so ever on the bike. I was averaging about an 22 mph pace.

I have a brick coming up and a 2-3 hour bike, we will see.

In good health,

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