Friday, July 3, 2009

Up Before 5am

Early wake up call today. The alarm started going off at 4:45am so I could get my 12 mile run in before the wife had to go to work. I really was not in the mood to wake up that early, but I needed to get my run in.


12 mile run today.

Like I said, I was already sluggish being up that early. What I thought was going to be a terrible run, turned out to be one of my best. I got to the trail before it even opened and had to park on the street. I started off quickly. I knew if I got thru those first couple of miles at a good pace, then I could probably ease into a nice pace. I had a 7:30 pace going for the first 3 miles. After that, I knew the rest of the run was going to be good. A few of the hills were tough today. My legs felt good and fresh. I was planning on doing another long run next week, but I feel in good shape for the ½ marathon. I think I will do one more before the race.

Time - 1:32:39
Pace - 7:43
Total Ascent - 1752 ft.
Total Descent - 1697 ft

Calories burned - 1434

In good health,

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