Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take It Easy

The past few days have been pretty decent from a training aspect. The ankle is still a little sore, but nothing too bad. The weird feeling I had in the ankle during last weeks swim is gone and the bike is still good. I have my half marathon this weekend and my last triathlon of the season coming up in two. After that, I will focus on my century and start incorporating some P90X workouts.

These have been my past 3 workouts. With it being a race week, all my workouts are shorter and less intense.

2/3 of a mile swim
Nothing different here, just your basic laps at a nice steady pace. Everything felt pretty good. As I was swimming, I started thinking about taking some sort of lessons next year. I would like to improve on my swim time and I think I have taken as far as I possibly can on my own.

6 mile run
This one was hot and humid. I finished at a 7:40 pace. I really did not want to go this fast, but it just happened. There were no issues with the ankle along the way. I feel like my running has made some of the biggest improvements this year. I would have to say that I think I am somewhere between a 7:45-7:50 pace over my longer distances this year.

15 mile bike
I kept thing at an 18mph pace. I just want to keep the legs loose. After my triathlon in a couple of weeks, the bike is going to be my new best friend as I prepare for my century.

My next 3 days will be stretching and rest.

In good health,

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