Monday, August 3, 2009

The Half

Half Marathon is in the books and it was a great race. The weather was as good as can be for August, lower 60’s.

The pace started out slow due to the large number of participants, but started to open up a little around mile 4. I felt great. No ankle issues what so ever. My pace was around 7:30 and the only thing that was bothering me a little was my allergies. I forgot to wear my breath right strip. I was mad at myself for leaving it in the car. Oh well.

Around mile 9 I felt a little tightness in my heel and around my ankle. I decided to slow down the pace a little and not risk re-injuring the ankle. It was probably a smart move.

I finished the race in 1:42 on the button. A 7:47 pace. I was very happy with the results, especially since I hadn’t run more longer than 6 miles in 3 weeks.

Next up is my triathlon and it is less than 2 weeks away. I expect the ankle to be 100% by then.

In good health,

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