Thursday, August 20, 2009


It has been 4 days since my last triathlon and I have yet to swim, bike or run. I will probably take a little more time off the swim and run, but will be back on the bike over the weekend.

I started back to lifting yesterday. Tony’s 1-on-1 Just Arms. Tony being the creator of P90X. It was a good way to get back into a strength routine. Speaking of strength, I definitely lost some over the past few months. My arms are pretty sore today. A good sore that has definitely been missed.

Today was yoga. Again, I lost some flexibility here. It felt good to get back into yoga as well. I dropped it over the past few months when it should have been left in my workout schedule.

Tomorrow is a couple hours of basketball. My first time back since rolling my ankle. Hopefully it goes well.

In good health,

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