Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As I slowly start getting back into my P90X routine, I am starting to remember just how sore I use to get. I did a light chest and back 2 days ago and I still can’t touch my chest without wincing. My arms are shot and my back is starting to ache a little. Ah, the joys of strength training. My 6 month routine starts September 30th. The first 3 months are going to be the hardest. I will be going very strict on my diet as well as lifting heavy. The second 3 months, I will taper a little as I get set for triathlon season.

So far this week, I also had a 40 mile bike and a 4 mile run. This was my first run since my tri 10 days ago. The run felt very clean. Breathing was good and so was my pace. I am going to be in maintenance mode for the next few months. More on that in the near future.

My ride was broken into two parts. 20 miles to work and 20 miles back home. I was not on the road bike, so my ride required a little more effort, yet my speed was still around 18mph. The wind was a little strong on the way home. My legs were not very happy about this.

Still to come this week…

Strength training, arms
50 mile bike

In good health,

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