Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 More Days

Just a few days out from my triathlon. I am feeling pretty sore. My final three days are going to be rest and stretching. I want my legs to be fresh on Sunday. After Sunday, I am going to start on some P90X workouts and start biking 3 times a week. Every ride to be 40 miles plus. I have my Century up in about a month. I am going to take a week or two off of running and really give my ankle a chance to heal.

To go back to last weeks workout again. I am almost caught up.

1 mile swim
This was just straight laps. Again, nothing special. I wanted to just focus on form and breathing. This is my last swim before the tri. Both of my local pools are closing for cleaning.

2 hour kayak.
This was great. Only my second time out on the kayak this year. What a great workout. Only my wife and I on the river. We got a great burn and paddled the entire time.

22 mile bike/5 mile run (brick)
This was absolutely brutal. I started at 3pm and it was the hottest day of the year. Over 90 degrees. I was a puddle of sweat and felt like I was going to vomit for a half hour after finishing. The bike was ok, I finished at a little over 20mph. The run was tough. I didn’t wear my watch and just let my body guide my speed. I ran around the neighborhood so I was able to consistently run by my house and soke myself with the hose. I had to get the workout in.

In good health,

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