Monday, August 10, 2009

Season Winding Down

After a day of rest following the half marathon, I jumped right back into training for my final triathlon of the year. As I went through this week’s workouts, I started getting the craving to start lifting again. P90X will be back in a couple of weeks, so I need to stay focused on training for my final triathlon of the year.

I need to play catch up on my blog. It was a very busy week. I will break it down into three workout segments.

My first three workouts following the half marathon were as follows.

40 mile bike
This was me riding into work and then back home, so it was broken into two 20 mile rides. These rides are actually kind of tough. One, I am not on my road bike and two, I am carry a 15-20 pound pack on my shoulders. It finally dawned on me why my shoulders were so sore. Anyway, I keep up about an 18-19mph pace. It is definitely a good ride.

5 mile run
This was done and lunchtime and it was hot, about 85 degrees and sunny. My legs were still pretty sore from the ½ marathon. I got through the initial uncomfortable feeling and got into a nice pace. I was pouring a lot of water on my head along the way. I finished with a 7:29 pace.

20 mile bike
This was another ride into work. I didn’t have to ride home due to the wife picking me up for a night out. I took the road bike in this time. My ride was definitely faster. I kept a little over a 20 mph pace. This was perfect.

In good health,

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