Monday, September 14, 2009


What should have been a somewhat leisurely ride, turned out to somewhat painful. It was actually a beautiful morning, cool and sunny. I was excited to get started and then head over to Kuma’s Corner for a burger and some beers. I met my friend at about 6:45 at the ride site. We started at about 7:15. We settled into a nice pace and were taking in the sights. He is from the area we were riding, so he was letting me know where we were.

Right at about mile 16, I hear a horn honking behind us. It just keeps going. I turn to take a peak and that’s when I can’t really remember what happened. I think someone was moving in towards me, so I went to move over and noticed I was too far right. I only had one option and that was to ride into the rocks/gravel and hope to make it to the grass, but not too far into the grass because it sloped down and that would be worse than the gravel/rock combo. I uttered the words “Uh-oh Mike” and went in. I made it to the grass and tried to turn back up. The grass was very wet and when I made the turn, the wheels just came out from underneath the bike and I went down hard. My left side took 95% of the impact. The handlebars nailed me in the hip and stomach area. I popped right back up and said I was fine and tried to get on my bike. It was definitely the shock of what happened. My buddy and a woman who had stopped to see if I was ok told me to just make sure I was ok. This is when my shoulder and forearm started hurting. I said I was good and ready to go. I tried to start riding, but my chain was off the bike.

Finally I got myself together and started riding again, but I was still pretty shaken up. I wanted that beer immediately, but it was only about 8 am. I didn’t go the 100 miles, but I did punch out almost another 50. We ended at 65 and that was fine with me. We got in the car and headed for our burgers and beers. When I got home, I finally checked myself out. Just a bunch of bruises, a few rashes and very sore. My ankle and wrist also started hurting.

Today I feel like crap!

In good health,

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