Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Back

Back to the X. I started with Chest and Back. I forgot just how tough these workouts are. About ¾ of my way through, I thought I was going to puke. Overall, I faired pretty well during the workout. I wanted to get 15 push-ups for each set and did. The pull-ups were even better than I expected. I was able to get 10 out per set. This is a far cry from where I left off, but still respectable. The wide grip pull-ups are still a pain. Heavypants were a little difficult. I felt strain on the lower back. I will need to work myself back slowly on those. No issues on the push-ups. The only one that caused me some grief were the declines.

Ab Ripper X. What can I say? This was difficult again. I don’t feel like I was starting from scratch, but definitely close.

Everything is sore on me today…

As far as diet goes, I am going to hold off another day. I had a bunch of wine last night. My food choices were not bad, but my numbers would not be a true indication of my choices. I will start tomorrow for sure.

In good health,

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