Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, my light week has come to an end and P90X is waiting in the wings. I am still a little banged up from my bike crash, but I am ready to get to lifting. My only workouts this week were a 4.5 mile run and a light strength training day, both went ok. After my run, I could tell that my ankle still had not healed from my bike crash. The next day, it was pretty sore. Hopefully it will be ok for Mondays Plyometrics. My strength training day was a combination of all muscle groups. I was just trying to keep my muscles active so I am not incredibly sore after my first X workout. I think that is inevitable.

This will be my last blog for a few days. Come Monday I will discuss each workout, as well as get back to posting my diet numbers.

In good health,

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