Monday, September 28, 2009

Chest And Back II

Today was Chest and Back with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Entering my second week and I am still sore as hell. I am not sure what to do here. I know it will start getting better soon, but I want to start speeding up the process.

With my second week at hand, I wanted to start increasing my numbers and weigh used a little bit. I knew this would potentially make some of my end sets brutal, but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I started off with the idea of increasing all push-ups by 5 and all pull-ups by 2. This worked perfect for the first half. The second half, not so much. I was hurting bad on my last few sets of push-ups. On my last set of declines, I barely got 10 and that was with a couple of mid-set breaks. My arms were shaking and instead of doing a face plant, which has happened in the past, I moved on to the next exercise.

After I was finished, I definitely felt like I had a tough workout. Adding Ab Ripper X onto that and I was spent.

Tomorrow is plyometrics. I might hold back a little bit. I think I did too much too soon and caused a little aggravation in my knee.


Calories – 1900

Carbs – 234g (55%)
Protein – 153g (36%)
Fat – 40g (9%)

In good health,

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