Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today was Shoulders and Arms with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

The soreness is starting to go away, but today brought a new challenger from an old friend. My daughter was wide awake from 4am until about 5:30am. I knew the day was not going to be pretty.

I started off wanting to increase the weight wherever possible and for 85% of the exercises it happened. My reps might have gone down one or two, but I was lifting heavier. My arms and shoulders were really burning about three sets in. A+ on todays workout.


Calories – 1900

Carbs – 180g (50%)
Protein – 140g (39%)
Fat – 37g (11%)

In good health,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Plyo II

Today was Plyo X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

An early morning plyo session to start off the day. I have to admit, I was not looking forward to it. I was still pretty sore. I was a tad bit behind on time, so I had to skip the bonus round. I wasn’t worried. The bonus round has some pretty basic moves. I believe it is there for an extra cool down.

I felt pretty good today when I was finished. I still had a little tightness in my left hip. Hopefully over the next few weeks it will be 100%. I do love the plyo and I think it is a huge help when it comes to triathlon. Since I started doing plyo, my times have definitely gotten better.


Calories – 1700

Carbs – 130g (40%)
Protein – 147g (47%)
Fat – 45g (13%)

In good health,

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chest And Back II

Today was Chest and Back with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Entering my second week and I am still sore as hell. I am not sure what to do here. I know it will start getting better soon, but I want to start speeding up the process.

With my second week at hand, I wanted to start increasing my numbers and weigh used a little bit. I knew this would potentially make some of my end sets brutal, but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I started off with the idea of increasing all push-ups by 5 and all pull-ups by 2. This worked perfect for the first half. The second half, not so much. I was hurting bad on my last few sets of push-ups. On my last set of declines, I barely got 10 and that was with a couple of mid-set breaks. My arms were shaking and instead of doing a face plant, which has happened in the past, I moved on to the next exercise.

After I was finished, I definitely felt like I had a tough workout. Adding Ab Ripper X onto that and I was spent.

Tomorrow is plyometrics. I might hold back a little bit. I think I did too much too soon and caused a little aggravation in my knee.


Calories – 1900

Carbs – 234g (55%)
Protein – 153g (36%)
Fat – 40g (9%)

In good health,

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Basketball and The X Stretch

Basketball and the X stretch. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

On Fridays and Saturdays, there is not going to be much to talk about. So I figured to combine the two days into one blog.

Friday, which should be a Kenpo X day, is going to be basketball. I play for about 2 hours and burn more calories than I would with just Kenpo. There is really not much to discuss with basketball, but I will keep track on how far off my jumper is. I still have a long way to go before it is back where it use to be.

Saturday’s stretch day and just what I needed. After my first week of the X, I am sore and my left hip is extremely tight. The left side is what took most of my impact on the bike crash.

Today is one of those days I still had another triathlon or long distance run. The weather is absolutely perfect here in Chicago for a run.

I am averaging my two days of food. It is good to see I have been so consistent with my intake.


Calories – 1900

Carbs – 165g (46%)
Protein – 151g (42%)
Fat – 42g (12%)

In good health,

Friday, September 25, 2009


Today was Legs and Back followed by Ab Ripper. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I knew this one was going to be tough. My legs were extremely sore to begin with. I put my focus on form and got started. I forgot how many lunges and squats you do in this workout. I used 20 pound weights for each of the leg exercises that allowed me to. For the pull-ups, my goal was ten per set.

I kept my reps per leg exercise at 20. This was perfect. Tough enough to make me shake, but not so bad that I wanted to collapse. That was until I got to the calf raises. 75 straight calf raises. Ouch! When I was finished, I thought they were going to seize on me. I had to take a minute before moving on.

The pull-ups went good. I felt strong on all sets except for the wide-grip. Those still need some work. I had to take one 5 second break after the 7th rep both times. I am confident I will get back to where I was fairly quickly.

Ab Ripper was good. No issues there.

Tomorrow is basketball. I am worried I won’t be able to jump.


Calories – 1500

Carbs – 149g (51%)
Protein – 101g (35%)
Fat – 43g (14%)

In good health,

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today was Tony’s 1-on-1 Yoga and a 4 mile run. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

The yoga session came right on time. I really needed it. My body is way sore. The main thing I like about the 1-on-1 yoga is that it is half the length of the P90X Yoga. I try to do yoga throughout the year, but sometimes it gets lost in my triathlon training. The yoga starts off with about 25 minutes of vinyasa’s, warrior poses, etc. and then goes into some ab work. You finish off with some good stretching. My flexibility is not where it needs to be.

My run was pretty basic, 4 miles at about an 8 minute mile pace. I am pretty much in triathlon maintenance mode for the next few months. I will start incorporating some swimming and biking in a few weeks.


Calories – 1800

Carbs – 165g (47%)
Protein – 145g (42%)
Fat – 36g (11%)

In good health,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today was Shoulders and Arms with Ab Ripper X. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I was feeling pretty sore today. My legs are feeling it a lot from last nights plyo. Also, my chest and back are a little night, but this is nothing unexpected. I was going into my shoulders and arms workout not really knowing what to expect. Would my strength be way down? Would I be too sore to tell? That question was answered quickly. I was pretty close to where I was before. Maybe only 5 lbs. less on weights used for each exercise. After my first few sets, I knew I was going to push it.

As I knocked off each set, my muscles started tightening up. When I got to the last set, I was toast. On the last set of shoulders (in and out flys), I had to take a couple mid-set breaks(aka a couple second breather). When I was done, I was feeling good. I knew I gave it my all and that I have the potential of making some pretty big gains in the coming weeks.


Calories – 1700

Carbs – 185g (49%)
Protein – 150g (39%)
Fat – 46g (12%)

In good health,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Good old Plyo X. I had forgotten how much fun this one can be. They call it the mother of all the P90X workouts. I’m not sure I agree with this, but it is definitely up there. I had to do this one in the evening due to my lack of getting up in the morning. It started me off with a good warm-up. I definitely needed this. After the first few moves, I felt pretty good. By the fourth move, I could tell something was off. My left side (hip/thigh) was sore. I haven’t completely healed from my bike crash. It was not that bad were I would need to stop. So I pressed on. That is when my youngest daughter started getting in the way wanting to dance. I had the radio playing and Plyo just on cues. This was funny, but also dangerous. With me jumping all over the place, I didn’t want to land on her. I gave her a wipe to clean things in the basement and she was more than content. Then came time for the jump knee tuck/mary Katherine moves. Very tough. When you are done with these two your legs are feeling it. I was more than halfway through and feeling good, but sweating a ton. As I got near the end I noticed that this workout was not as tough as during my previous P90X rounds. I don’t know what it could have been. Maybe the fact that I did it at night instead of first thing in the morning? Having my own music playing? A strong season of triathlon? Who knows?
Tomorrow is Shoulder and Arms.

Calories – 1120

Carbs – 142g (54%)
Protein – 92g (36%)
Fat – 27g (10%)

In good health,

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Back

Back to the X. I started with Chest and Back. I forgot just how tough these workouts are. About ¾ of my way through, I thought I was going to puke. Overall, I faired pretty well during the workout. I wanted to get 15 push-ups for each set and did. The pull-ups were even better than I expected. I was able to get 10 out per set. This is a far cry from where I left off, but still respectable. The wide grip pull-ups are still a pain. Heavypants were a little difficult. I felt strain on the lower back. I will need to work myself back slowly on those. No issues on the push-ups. The only one that caused me some grief were the declines.

Ab Ripper X. What can I say? This was difficult again. I don’t feel like I was starting from scratch, but definitely close.

Everything is sore on me today…

As far as diet goes, I am going to hold off another day. I had a bunch of wine last night. My food choices were not bad, but my numbers would not be a true indication of my choices. I will start tomorrow for sure.

In good health,

Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, my light week has come to an end and P90X is waiting in the wings. I am still a little banged up from my bike crash, but I am ready to get to lifting. My only workouts this week were a 4.5 mile run and a light strength training day, both went ok. After my run, I could tell that my ankle still had not healed from my bike crash. The next day, it was pretty sore. Hopefully it will be ok for Mondays Plyometrics. My strength training day was a combination of all muscle groups. I was just trying to keep my muscles active so I am not incredibly sore after my first X workout. I think that is inevitable.

This will be my last blog for a few days. Come Monday I will discuss each workout, as well as get back to posting my diet numbers.

In good health,

Monday, September 14, 2009


What should have been a somewhat leisurely ride, turned out to somewhat painful. It was actually a beautiful morning, cool and sunny. I was excited to get started and then head over to Kuma’s Corner for a burger and some beers. I met my friend at about 6:45 at the ride site. We started at about 7:15. We settled into a nice pace and were taking in the sights. He is from the area we were riding, so he was letting me know where we were.

Right at about mile 16, I hear a horn honking behind us. It just keeps going. I turn to take a peak and that’s when I can’t really remember what happened. I think someone was moving in towards me, so I went to move over and noticed I was too far right. I only had one option and that was to ride into the rocks/gravel and hope to make it to the grass, but not too far into the grass because it sloped down and that would be worse than the gravel/rock combo. I uttered the words “Uh-oh Mike” and went in. I made it to the grass and tried to turn back up. The grass was very wet and when I made the turn, the wheels just came out from underneath the bike and I went down hard. My left side took 95% of the impact. The handlebars nailed me in the hip and stomach area. I popped right back up and said I was fine and tried to get on my bike. It was definitely the shock of what happened. My buddy and a woman who had stopped to see if I was ok told me to just make sure I was ok. This is when my shoulder and forearm started hurting. I said I was good and ready to go. I tried to start riding, but my chain was off the bike.

Finally I got myself together and started riding again, but I was still pretty shaken up. I wanted that beer immediately, but it was only about 8 am. I didn’t go the 100 miles, but I did punch out almost another 50. We ended at 65 and that was fine with me. We got in the car and headed for our burgers and beers. When I got home, I finally checked myself out. Just a bunch of bruises, a few rashes and very sore. My ankle and wrist also started hurting.

Today I feel like crap!

In good health,

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Little Rest

Not much excitement this week. I am pretty much just taking it easy and resting for my 100 mile ride this weekend.

My workouts have been pretty light.


20 mile bike
5 mile run
15 mile bike

I am not sure what I am going to do next week as far as workouts go, but the following week starts my hybrid P90X routine. My focus is not there yet. Hopefully it will be a week from Monday. I am thinking next week will have a couple of strength training days mixed with a run and a swim, possibly yoga.

In good health,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The holiday weekend has really thrown me off. Just to touch on a few things since I last posted.


6 mile run
40 mile bike
Chest and Back
20 mile bike

All workouts went pretty well with the exception of the run and the bike. I underestimated the heat during the run. Between my lack of water, the heat and my pace, I ended up feeling absolutely awful and had a hard time cooling my body temp and getting my heart rate back down. It was not a good cooldown. I will never make that mistake again.

My bike ride was complete with a bee getting stuck in my helmet and stinging me right above the temple. The burning and throbbing lasted for the rest of the day. No fun at all.

In good health,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Almost A Bike Break

This past weekend was quite different as far as temperatures go. It was cool and windy. Far from a late summer day. This made my 50 mile ride pretty tough. I came in at an average speed of 17.6mph. My legs were burnt. No matter which way I turned, it seemed like I was riding against the wind. I don’t think I have ever been so happy to get off my bike. I have three more rides scheduled before my century and then it is a break from the bike.

A couple days later, I pumped out a pseudo P90X shoulders and arms workout. Again, I went light. Again, I am just trying to get my muscle use to the moves before I go at it full force. I felt good. Even though it has only been a couple of weeks, I feel some gains in strength already. I was tempted to push it, but held back. There will be plenty of time for that in the upcoming months.

In good health,