Thursday, December 24, 2009

Xmas Eve

Workouts were Shoulders & Arms with Ab Ripper X, 5 mile run and 1 mile swim. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews).

I was feeling pretty sore from my previous two workouts. Actually, I was very sore. I knew I would have the strength come lunchtime for my shoulders and arms workout. I did my Ab Ripper X before I went to work in the morning, so that was out of the way. I went into the arm workout just wanting to keep pace with my previous Shoulders and Arms workout. That is what I did. I was able to increase reps and weights on a few exercises, but mostly I was parallel with my previous. I really work hard. A+ on todays effort.

The next morning, I started off with a 5 mile run. I have learned to adjust to the boredom of a treadmill quite well. With the streets and sidewalks being very icy, I needed to keep it indoors. I am constantly changing the speed which makes things a little more interesting. It also makes it feel like the time is passing more quickly.

My last swim of the year. To me, there is nothing enjoyable about come from the cold outside and going swimming. I do it anyway. Once I get moving in the pool, it is not that big of a deal. My stroke was not great today. That being said, I was pushing myself and trying to increase my speed per lap. It is always difficult swimming when you have lifted weights two out of the previous three days. The pool is like pull-ups for me. It is a love hate relationship. I did enjoy the little triathlon training today.

Have a Merry Christmas,

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