Monday, December 7, 2009

Switching Yoga

Workouts were Total Body Plus, Yoga X and Upper Plus with Abs/Core Plus. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I switched things up a bit this week.

1) Due to Christmas parties
2) I want to start doing the longer P90X yoga.

Total Body was a bear. I went heavier and tried to pump out some more pull-ups and push-ups. I always feel that I never really as hard as I do with other workouts, but the next few days after I am very sore.

I took the next day off and then it was time for P90X Yoga. I never thought I would miss an hour and a half of viyasa’s, chatarunga’s and downward dogs. Sadly, I did. What a great workout. I really needed it. I forgot how beneficial this workout is come triathlon season. I am definitely going to stick with it.

Next up were Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus, both from P90X+. I have to say that I am happy this is my last week of these workouts. I don’t know why, but I feel like I get more out of the straight P90X workouts. Nothing really changed here. I added some push-ups and pull-ups. I am feeling kind of sluggish. It is probably due to the fact I am just getting over a cold.

Tomorrow is my last Insanity workout of this phase.

I have a feeling I am going to lose again…

In good health,

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