Monday, November 30, 2009


Workouts were kettlebell, 1-on-1 Killer Abs, Spinervals Sweating Buckets and P90X+ Total Body Plus. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Nothing like a 4 day weekend. Diet will not be discussed due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Some things are better left unsaid.

I did my first kettlebell workout in quite some time. I took it somewhat easy. I didn’t want to strain any muscle since it was like I was starting from scratch. The exercises performed were 2 hand swings, 1 hand swings, chest press, curls, tri extensions, upright rows, shoulder press and snatch. The shoulder presses were pretty tough. I wanted to pay really close attention to my form. It is very easy to hurt yourself performing kettelebell exercises if you do not do them correctly.

After the KB routine, I did 1-on-1 Killer Abs. This is a combination of Ab Ripper 200 and Ab Ripper X. You end up doing around 500 reps.

The following day I was on the bike, indoors of course. For me, biking on the trainer is tough. I get bored really fast. I did Spinervals Sweating Buckets. It is about 50 minutes of total spinning. They mix it up enough to keep you from getting too bored. You’re changing gears often, so it requires you to think. Still, tough to stay on the bike for an hour without going anywhere. It’s as bad as a treadmill workout. I need to do these workouts to keep up with my triathlon maintenance.

My final workout of the week was Total Body Plus from the P90X+ series. This one hits it all. Again, not doing this one in a while, it was tough. It is not a rep thing, but a time thing. You need to make sure you pick the right weight or you will run out of gas before the exercise is done. No need to be a hero. Just concentrate on form and these moves will burn you out. At least that’s what they did to me

In good health,

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