Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Workouts were a 4 mile run, Core Synergistics and 1-on-1 Just Arms. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

I need to catch up for the past few days. I am not going to include diet. Since my getting my wisdom teeth pulled, I haven’t been keeping track. Once things are completely healed, I will start up again. My calorie intake has been low due to the fact of the soft/liquid diet I am on.

The 4 miler. It was good to start working out again after a week off. As soon as I took my first couple of strides, I knew the run was going to suck. Every time my foot struck the ground, it was like the shock went directly to where my teeth were pulled. Made it home and popped a couple of aspirin.

Next up was Core Synergistics. Again, the pain radiated right to my mouth. Not as bad as when I ran, but noticeable. I took it easy with this workout. I was just coming off a week of doing nothing and I didn’t want to over do it. I still got in a quality workout.

Finally, there was just arms. This one I went heavy. Really picked up the weight, but the reps went down. This was expected. Top notch workout.

Tomorrow is a double, yoga and a 5 mile run.

In good health,

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