Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Workouts were Upper Plus, Abs/Core Plus, 3 mile run and Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Four workouts to talk about.

The first was upper body plus from the P90X+ series. I hadn’t done this one in a while, so I had to remember some of the moves. I wasn’t real comfortable right off the bat. These workouts are about time and not reps. So you are doing curls, push-ups, dips, etc., for a minute to a minute and a half. I had to keep the weight lighter than my previous routines, but this is expected. I love the combination moves and the fact that the workout is only 40 minutes long. This was followed by Abs/Core Plus also from the P90X+ series. This is a little different than Ab Ripper X. For this routine, you do 5 rounds of four different moves that require you to hang, stand, plank and sit. It is an all around great workout for the core.

It was so nice over the weekend that I had to fit a run in. I nice easy 5k pushing the jogging stroller and being followed by my other daughter on her bike. I kept the pace nice and easy. It was probably around an 8 minute mile.

Yesterday’s workout was brutal, Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit. This was the first time doing this routine, but I was going in with the mindset that it wouldn’t be too bad. I was wrong, very wrong. It starts you off with a few combination exercises repeated 3 times at different speeds. Not too bad. Then you go into some stretching. So far, so good. Finally, you hit the actual routine. Combination moves at different speeds. With only a 30 second break every few minutes. I had to pause the tape a couple of times as well as take breathers. I was pouring sweat. This workout is my new enemy and I will defeat it. We face off again next week.

Diet log will pick up again tomorrow.

In good health,

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