Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take It Easy

The past few days have been pretty decent from a training aspect. The ankle is still a little sore, but nothing too bad. The weird feeling I had in the ankle during last weeks swim is gone and the bike is still good. I have my half marathon this weekend and my last triathlon of the season coming up in two. After that, I will focus on my century and start incorporating some P90X workouts.

These have been my past 3 workouts. With it being a race week, all my workouts are shorter and less intense.

2/3 of a mile swim
Nothing different here, just your basic laps at a nice steady pace. Everything felt pretty good. As I was swimming, I started thinking about taking some sort of lessons next year. I would like to improve on my swim time and I think I have taken as far as I possibly can on my own.

6 mile run
This one was hot and humid. I finished at a 7:40 pace. I really did not want to go this fast, but it just happened. There were no issues with the ankle along the way. I feel like my running has made some of the biggest improvements this year. I would have to say that I think I am somewhere between a 7:45-7:50 pace over my longer distances this year.

15 mile bike
I kept thing at an 18mph pace. I just want to keep the legs loose. After my triathlon in a couple of weeks, the bike is going to be my new best friend as I prepare for my century.

My next 3 days will be stretching and rest.

In good health,

Monday, July 27, 2009


I made it thru the weekend. The ankle is still a little tender, but getting better everyday. The brick went well. The bike portion was fine. I went 20 miles at a 20mph pace. I definitely could have gone faster, but I did not want to push it too much. I soon as I started the run, I knew the ankle was still not 100%. My gait just felt weird. Surprisingly I finished the 5 miles with a 7:30 pace. I went home and iced.

The following day was a 2 hour bike. I wanted to keep an 18-19mph pace. I finished at 19.3mph. My biggest issue during the ride was that I was a little hungover from the night before. Going to a local winery was probably not the best call.

We are under a week for the half marathon. I have a few more triathlon specific workouts and then I am going to rest for 3 days before the race.

In good health,

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back 2 Brick

Ankle is healing slowly. It is still tender, but I got back to triathlon training. I started on Wednesday with a 2 mile run in the morning, which went fine. No significant pain, but definitely not 100%. I stayed at an 8 minute mile pace. Later that afternoon was my swim. 1 mile, straight laps. This is where I felt some weirdness in the ankle. I don’t know if it was the way the water was making it twist or what, but there was some uncomfortable feelings going on. The swim was ok.

The next day was an 18 mile bike and I felt extremely strong. No ankle pain what so ever on the bike. I was averaging about an 22 mph pace.

I have a brick coming up and a 2-3 hour bike, we will see.

In good health,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coming Back Slow

I have taken the past four days off to let the ankle heal. I am going absolutely crazy. I went to a sports specific doc and they gave me the ok to start back slow. They also said I would be good for my half marathon in 12 days. I am resuming triathlon training tomorrow. I have a 2 mile run and 1 mile swim on tap. If everything looks and feels ok, the next day will be an hour on the bike. Then I might schedule a brick and a 2-3 hour ride for over the weekend.

In good health,

Sunday, July 19, 2009


This will be a short one because I do not have much to talk about. A couple of days ago, I rolled my ankle playing basketball and have not done anything since. I have put a hold on all triathlon training. It doesn’t hurt to walk on, so that is a good thing. It has a nice bruise coming in though. I am taking the next four days completely off of training and then will slowly start back with a swim session on Wednesday. I may try and walk a couple of miles on Tuesday. I am hoping this is a quick recovery. I have a half marathon in two weeks.

In good health,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bike and a Run

Well, after my peak week of triathlon training, I am still feeling a little sore. I don’t think I fully recovered. If I could go back, I would have stretched more and maybe ate for recovery. I have a couple more weeks before my half marathon and I am about a month out from my Olympic distance triathlon, my last tri of the season.

Yesterday, I took my bike to work. It is about 50 miles round trip. I figure it is good for getting in that extra bike training during the week. I ride at about a 19-20mph pace. The streetlights bring down the speed. Next week I will wear my Garmin to see exactly where I am at.

Today was a 4 miler. I went at an 8:00 minute mile pace. I felt pretty good this morning. My legs loosened up pretty quick. I felt like I could have gone another 6 miles easily.

In good health,

Monday, July 13, 2009


It has been a few days since my last post. It was a very busy weekend. I had 3 pretty decent workouts since my last post. I decided to do something I haven’t done in years, play basketball. I knew this might affect my workouts over the weekend, but I wanted to do it anyway.

Friday – This was basketball day. Two hours total. The rust definitely showed. I think I left my jump shot somewhere out west. I am hoping things fall back into place, but if not, I can’t be too disappointed considering I have played once or twice in the past 7 years.

Saturday – This was my longest training run of the year, 13 miles. It was very humid. My allergies were not happy. I had a tough time breathing. I busted out the Breathe-Right nasal strip for this one. After all was said and done, it turned out to be a great run.

Time – 1:42:39
Pace – 7:53
Total Ascent – 2393 ft.
Total Descent – 2419 ft.
Calories Burned – 1564

Sunday – This was my longest swim of the year, 1.5 miles in the open water. It was pretty rough. I was a little tired from the night before and pretty sore from basketball and my 13 miler. I got into a real nice rhythm about ¼ of the way thru. I felt great when I was finished. Not so good when I woke up the next day. Everything was tight.

Today is a rest day and tomorrow will be a ride to work.

In good health,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ride To Work

The past couple days have been filled with some great workouts. I feel like I have gotten some great training in, specifically for triathlon. My body is telling me to take tomorrow off. If I don’t, I think I might be in trouble. I will do the P90X X Stretch tomorrow. I have also come to realize that next year when I train for the half ironman, I am going to need cut out strength training and focus completely on the three disciplines.

Yesterday I decided to ride the bike to work. I felt I could get some training in without interfering with duties and family time. It was a pretty tough ride. About 50 miles round trip. Half of the ride was in the streets and the other half was on a paved trail. I didn’t use the road bike for this ride. I busted out the “dad” bike. The only that I use to carry/pull the kids. This way I didn’t have to worry about it getting stolen. The knobby tires made the ride a little harder.

Today was a double. Nothing to special or out of the ordinary. In the morning was a 4 miler. It was raining out, so I stayed inside on the treadmill. I kept an 8 minute mile pace. After about 1 mile I started getting really bored and wish I would have sucked it up and headed outside.

My lunch hour was spent at the pool getting a mile swim in, straight laps. I had some goggle issues in the beginning, but after that, I felt myself get into a nice rhythm. I am not sure what my time was. I was counting the laps in my head. My chest was pretty tight. I am guessing it was from the lifting earlier this week.

Off day tomorrow…

In good health,

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Weekend

It was a very busy weekend. Between the bbq, fireworks and ribfest, it was surprising I even got any workouts in. I am pretty much going to be playing catch up today and go over my past few days. The diet was put on hold for the weekend for obvious reasons. I am back on track today and will be so until this coming weekend when we are loaded with another party and bbq.

Saturday was supposed to be a 60 mile ride. That was cut to 40 miles. It was raining and I ran into 2 parades at 2 separate locations, that was enough for me to put an end to my ride. Overall the ride was ok. Legs felt ok. They were a little sore from the previous days 12 miler. I will have to make a mental note not to ride on the 4th of July.

Sunday, I didn’t do a thing but enjoy ribfest and being with the family.

Today was an early morning lifting session. Nothing major here, just some light lifting to keep my body use to weight training. I tried to crank out some push-ups. I definitely lost a little bit in this category. I am probably going to take up a couple of weeks to build up my strength before I jump into P90X, but right now I am staying focused on triathlon training.

In good health,

Friday, July 3, 2009

Up Before 5am

Early wake up call today. The alarm started going off at 4:45am so I could get my 12 mile run in before the wife had to go to work. I really was not in the mood to wake up that early, but I needed to get my run in.


12 mile run today.

Like I said, I was already sluggish being up that early. What I thought was going to be a terrible run, turned out to be one of my best. I got to the trail before it even opened and had to park on the street. I started off quickly. I knew if I got thru those first couple of miles at a good pace, then I could probably ease into a nice pace. I had a 7:30 pace going for the first 3 miles. After that, I knew the rest of the run was going to be good. A few of the hills were tough today. My legs felt good and fresh. I was planning on doing another long run next week, but I feel in good shape for the ½ marathon. I think I will do one more before the race.

Time - 1:32:39
Pace - 7:43
Total Ascent - 1752 ft.
Total Descent - 1697 ft

Calories burned - 1434

In good health,

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I had a hard time waking up this morning. I have been falling into nice deep sleeps lately. I don’t know what has changed, but I have really been relaxed lately. I hope it stays this way for a while. I have also really been focusing on my diet and eating as clean as possible. Summertime is difficult for me when it comes to eating. All the bbq’s, beer and dessert. I am going to do my best.


Back to the weights today. I did a somewhat easy 40 minute routine. Two sets per muscle group, minus the legs. I want to keep those as fresh as possible for tomorrow’s 12 mile run. I did some very basic exercises. ..curls, bench press, shoulder press, tri extension, etc. Surprisingly, I felt strong. I wanted to increase the weight halfway thru most sets, but I held back.

As tempted as I was to jump into a P90X workout, I kept it light. Being neck deep in triathlon training, P90X has to be put on hold. The reason being is that I am sore for days after every X workout. With my mileage getting higher, being sore is not what I want to be when I go for a 70 mile bike. Another month and a half and P90X will be back

In good health,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back To Normal

It has been two days since the race and I am back in full triathlon training. I took the day after the race off, but then it was back to work.

I went for a light 4 mile run yesterday. I kept about an 8 minute mile pace. I actually felt halfway decent. The only noticeable thing was my calves. They were extremely tight. After the 3 mile mark they loosened up. I gave them a nice stretch when I got home. I didn’t want to go too hard on the run. I have a long 12 miler this weekend.

Today was a short ½ mile swim. My shoulders were still sore from the race. They never really loosened up. I felt pretty comfortable, nothing really special with this one.

Back to strength training tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I have missed lifting. I am going to start lifting once a week over the next three.

In good health,