Sunday, January 10, 2010


Workouts were 20 mile bike, 4 mile run, Yoga X, Legs & Back with Ab Ripper X and Basketball. (Take a look at blogs from March 2009 for complete P90X, P90X+ and 1-on-1 workout overviews)

Well this is not going to be a positive blog. I have been knocked out of any cardio for the next few weeks. I will get to that later.

My 20 mile bike/4 mile run session was great. During the bike, I mixed up the pace and went through a bunch of different chainring combinations. A solid bike overall. I was able to keep up a great pace on the run. I mixed up the incline and speed throughout the 4 miles. This broke it up nicely. I cut it to 4 miles because I wanted to get some basketball time in.

I had a great yoga session. I held the poses well and my vinyasa work was top notch. Then came Legs and Back with Ab Ripper. Ab Ripper was solid and I had my best pull-up total to date. I kept 25 lbs again throughout the workout. Next week, I will increase the weight to 30. I cranked out my best pull-up total for this round, 150. My arms were gone by the time I was done. It didn’t matter. I was on a pull-up high.

Basketball is where it all fell apart. I had a solid 2 ½ hours of playing. My arms were gone from the pull-ups the day before, so I really wasn’t worried about my shooting. During the last game, I went up for a rebound or block and came down right on someone’s foot and rolled my ankle bad. It was very painful and I know I will be out a couple of weeks. The swelling has gone down, but the bruising has started. I will have to switch up my workouts next week. I am not exactly sure how I am going to rework it yet.

In good health,

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